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Tuesday 2 December 2008

Just a quickie

I didn't go shopping on Black Friday for several reasons:

1. There were leftovers to be eaten at Jenny's house.
2. I hate shopping in crowds and driving in traffic.
3. It was my Stand Against Commercialism, even though Cicada made fun of me for it. Only then she bought items that day which turned out to be no good, so . . . I think we all know what the take-home lesson is there.

And now that Black Friday is over,

4. Did you even hear about how a crowd of shoppers killed a guy??? Yeah. Like I want to be a part of that. Next time I want to be trampled, or trample someone, or witness a trampling, I'll run with the bulls, thanks. Because at least then I get to go to Spain.

So I did a bunch of my Christmas shopping today during a break between jobs. This was much nicer for several reasons.

1. Not as crowded, which led to . . .

2. Not as much mental swearing.

3. Nicer weather--everyone is walking around without jackets, and not in that "I'm a college freshman from Southern California and I will never own a jacket in life ever and I refuse to acknowledge that it is cold here and no those are not my fingers turning black" way. I could kiss Utah on the mouth for how nice the weather has been this fall. I'm sure it's just further evidence of global warming and our impending doom, but right now I say bring it. (Also? Suck it, skiers! Hahahahahahahahahaha)

4. The dollar store. I will tell you more of why it is my favorite in an upcoming post.

5. Only one failed stop--Michael's craft store is on my crap list for not having the yarn I need.

6. I looked really good in my skirt and hooker-but-not-hookerish-enough-boots and all the cashiers complimented my outfit. Which was a very soothing balm unto me, since by the time I got home I was limping--turns out these boots are not quite ready for 7 hours straight of standing/walking. Excuse me while I go wrap my feet in pillows and plastic wrap.

I'm hoping to make this Christmas a simple, lovely one. So this year I'm not sending cards and I'm not doing gifts for friends/neighbors etc. (I know! Shocking!) I figure most of my friends have probably gotten a lot of mail from me anyway this year. I may move the Christmas card thing to every other year, or send Valentine's cards instead, or something like that. And as for my friends, this is the heads-up for when you don't get a present from me. We're still friends! And now you're released from any gift-giving obligation to me, unless you just can't be happy unless you're giving me things. I would by no means suspend any pleasure of yours.


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