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Thursday 31 August 2006

The simple news that Nature told

Yeah, I'm thinking England might be trying to tell me something.

The foul-mouthed school kids are back in school and walking past my window in their adorable uniforms.

The weather is getting cooler.

And then there's this:

Only I've got news for England--I still have 2 weeks left and there are things I mean to do!

So there. Now just need to get these last pesky chapters written so I can get to that. Posted by Picasa


Was reading up on child prodigy on Wiki;

[quote] Although Hollingworth's findings may be outdated, some adjustment issues for child prodigies are obvious. It is not uncommon for the highly intellectually capable to be ostracized in school, or at least be emotionally dulled by the conversation of their average classmates. They typically have very different priorities than other people, with popularity, friendship, and common excitement playing second fiddle to the quest for knowledge, mastery of skill, or more personal yearnings, creating a mis-step with society. In addition, the unusualness of a prodigy's priorities and capabilities can lead to difficulty in relating to his or her peers. [/quote] (strike a chord?!)

Hee hee hee. Self consolation for my tendency to be a total weirdo loner. Lol.

Oh more that reflected on me! [quote] Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) is self-education or self-directed learning. An autodidact, also known as an automath, is a mostly self-taught person — typically someone who has an enthusiasm for self-education and a high degree of self-motivation. While some may have been educated in a conventional manner in a particular field, they may choose to educate themselves in other, often unrelated areas. It should be noted that self-teaching and self-directed learning are not necessarily lonely processes. Some autodidacts spend a great deal of time in libraries or on educative Web sites. Many, according to their plan for learning, avail themselves of instruction from family members, friends, or other associates. [/quote] I didn't know I had such a smashing title for my little side-education I have been involved for the past years. W00t! I am a damn Autodidact! I, now, take more pride in what I do. Heh!

Well, one never knows right?

Anyway, tomorrow is The Day. Can't wait one second longer. [adrenaline-brimmed] BONE! Here I come! [okay, that sounds wrong.]

Back to admiring Billy Gilman's One Voice,
31st August 2006

Wednesday 30 August 2006

So there was this one time in Prague

On our first night there I won the Fraidy-Cat award.

We walked around the Palace grounds, which are huge and beautiful and consist of lots and lots of buildings. It turned dusky while we were there, and it was beautiful and lovely. But as went down this one narrow street we started seeing less and less people until we were the only ones. And I got nervous out about walking down an unfamiliar dark deserted street, because I'm always paranoid about being found dead in a ditch somewhere and having people read the headlines and say, "Stupid American girl! What was she thinking doing x? American girls who are that stupid should just stay home."

After we got a bit further down I could hear a couple of men shouting in Czech the other end, and finally informed Banana and Cordelia that there was no way I was walking down there to get killed during some drug-deal-gone-horribly-wrong, because what they were probably shouting was something like, "I am so angry with you for what you are saying and I am going to stab the next blond girl who gets near me!" So I was being all tense and freaky. Just as they were about to give in and go back up to the front entrance with me, another group of tourists appeared behind us. So that meant we were safe to follow them down to where the yelling was.

So . . . you know the drug deal? It was actually the National Shakespearovske Festival. They were doing Othello. Hence the shouting. But I would like to point out that I was actually kind of accurate when I guessed what they were saying.

Yeah. The girls had a pretty good time laughing over that one, and every time we saw advertisements for the festival over the next three days (which happened a lot) they would go "Oooh, [Nem]! It's Shakespeare! Scary!!!"

Only check out this picture! It is scary. I don't care what anyone else says.

Suicidial Black Metal

Someone over MSN just introduced me to really underground Suicidial Black Metal. Gawd. I tell you, no person with a faint heart could stomach their songs. Trust me. It's ... just too horrible for any sane person to bear through. Songs of mental illness, suicide (in action), madness are not for everyday listen. Jesus, listen at your own fucking risk.

It is that disturbing.

Now, I can't sleep well tonight...

Tuesday 29 August 2006

Hips don't lie

So my sister, because she is a dirty bigmouth, may have possibly outed me and my recent listening habits.

First off, I don't have a radio. I don't have an iPod. I've never even had a CD player in my car. That's how out of the loop I am with the popular music. I just barely figured out that you can watch music videos on YouTube. I'd been using it to watch clips of my boyfriend John Krasinski on The Office and cry over the love we share.

But it turns out that when I'm tired I need to be listening to something upbeat to keep me from falling asleep or zoning out in front of the computer. So I found a London top 40s website to listen to.

So here are the songs that keep me awake and shaking my booty in my chair.

(Note: If you choose to seek out any of these songs do not even think of holding me responsible for any subsequent corruption. I have my own soul to think about.)

Hips Don't Lie, Shakira (currently the #1 single in the UK)
I'm Not Here for your Entertainment, Pink
Ain't No other Man, Christina Aguilera
Stars are Blind, by PARIS flipping HILTON. Oh. I feel shame.
I don't Feel Like Dancing, Scissor Sisters
London Bridge, Fergie the Trashqueen (the radio version, not the CD version with all the swearing)
Mymymy, Armand Van Helden
Sexy Back, Justin Timberlake. I had no idea that's who that was.
Suddenly I See, KT Tunstall

These are the ones I wish I wasn't hearing:
Smile by Lily Allen, whose accent makes me want to jam a skewer in my ear.
Unfaithful by Rihanna, who I want to beat with a chair for being such a nasty ho. Cicada says this song hasn't made it to Utah yet. Utah is lucky.

And then there are other songs that make me go "GAH!!!" and shut the browser.

Yep. I don't shower or brush my teeth anymore or leave my house, but I am quite possibly the trendiest I'll ever be.

Monday 28 August 2006

This is proof that I love you

I can't write a real blog post, as I still have my head down in my computer. But good things have happened.

1) I got a blessing on Sunday and immediately felt better and calm and happy, and I still feel those things. Plus, hey, God SAID I'm going to finish this thing. I wouldn't bet against Him.

2) My computer has been behaving for the last few days. I love her for that. She can feel free to burst into flames as soon as this thing is done.

3) Cicada has agreed to proofread my dissertation for me so I've been emailing her chapters as I finish them.

And just after she agreed to do that a few days ago, we had this IM conversation, wherein it becomes apparent that Cicada is a fonts junkie and that I didn't learn as much in AP US History as I thought I did.

Nemesis: Ugh. Some German guy just published his thesis on my topic and it's online. I'm doing my best not to go look at it because I think that would just freak me out. Only I'm sure it's better than mine!

Cicada: No. It's not possible. YOURS is going to be the BEST.

Nemesis: I just want to pass. Luckily his is about different stuff from mine. Kind of. Not that I'm looking at it.

Cicada: No. Of course you're not looking at it. But seriously---DON'T look at it.

Nemesis: I'm not, I shut it.

Cicada: Because that will seriously make yours more difficult to write.

Nemesis: I just looked at his bibliography, and skimmed the bit he wrote about the treaty. Done. It's gone.

Cicada: Okay. Now, you're worth it, you're good, and you're beautiful. Get back to work and you'll do GREAT.

Nemesis: It was the acknowledgements page that threw me. Turns out he's friends with all the A-listers. Only I've interviewed loads of them, and that's good too! So take that, Kraut.

Cicada: haha. Never forget that we beat them back in the 40s.

Nemesis: And we'll do it again. ok. Thanks. I feel better.

Nemesis: So which do you think looks smarter, Times New Roman or Arial?

Cicada: Ack! For WHAT?

Nemesis: For the dissertation. Those are my two choices--they do practically everything in Arial over here. It really took me aback when I first saw it.

Cicada: Are you SERIOUS? They only give you those two choices? Times is easier to read in large quantities, so I'd go for Times.

Nemesis: Yeah, cuz serif. But still. ARIAL, people.

Cicada: SERIOUSLY. You just don't PUBLISH in a sans serif like that!

Nemesis: Oh. They do. And it looks like a 7th grader wrote it.

Cicada: Well, just remember that we beat them back in the 1700s.

Nemesis: AND 1800s.

Cicada: Well, technically, they burned down the White House in the 1800s, you know.

Nemesis: Yeah, just before we BEAT them.

Cicada: And BOTH sides claim they won that one.

Nemesis: Uh, tell that to Andy Jackson and his bales of cotton.

Cicada: No, seriously. In school we're taught that we won that one.

Nemesis: You're joking! Canada as in British Canadians?

Cicada: Well, we were not Canada back then. So we were the British.

Nemesis: Oh yeah, isn't that when we tried to take over Canada? That wasn't the best idea.

Cicada: hahahahaha. It still isn't a GREAT idea.

Nemesis: So maybe it was a draw. We didn't get Canada, but by gum we're still Americans.

Cicada: And at least you know that Times is a better choice than Arial. Dumb Brits.

Nemesis: Seriously. How is mine supposed to beat that German guy's if it's in a crap font?

Cicada: You really couldn't sneak a pretty one past them? Like Bell MT or Garamond or Perpetua?

Nemesis: Let me check. I already have to bind the thing in a MAROON cover. With gold lettering, mind you.

Cicada: Oh wow.

Nemesis: Okay. It just says "Times New Roman or Arial fonts are recommended"

Cicada: Ahhhh, so that's to prevent people from using Comic or something. You can TOTALLY get away with using Bell or Garamond or Perpetua. Those are my three favorites.

Nemesis: Well, I know you to be a woman of impeccable taste. So lemme play around.

Cicada: Rockwell is also very fun and distinctive.

Nemesis: Yeah, only they're not so much about fun and distinctive here. I'm already thinking Bell might be out because of the swoopy 2s.

Cicada: I know. Those are my favorite part. Rockwell is like somewhere between a serif and a sans serif. Garamond and Perpetua don't have any fun swoopies.

Nemesis: Don't have Rockwell, don't have Perpetua. I'm thinking Garamond might be the winner.

Cicada: Garamond is a good one and is also fairly standard.

Nemesis: Sweetie, thank you. Just looking at my words in Garamond makes me feel more sophisticated. I just might pull through.

Cicada: How much more do you have to do? When's your deadline?

Nemesis: I have to write about 7,000 words in the next 5 or 6 days, depending on when the advisor wants it. Then I need to make his changes and turn it in for binding.

Cicada: That's not so bad. You can totally do it!

Nemesis: I've got my caffiene strips and my ibuprofin. Hit it.


Nemesis: I'm back. Lady J says I'm on thin ice with the fonts. She says they do everything in Arial now because some discrimination legislation was passed that said no one can use fonts that might make it difficult for people to read.

Cicada: Uh . . . using Arial makes it more difficult to read than using a serif font. Didn't the legislators research that?

Nemesis: Guess not. They get crazy about Health & Safety and discrimination and all that here, it's pretty mad.

Cicada: I don't understand how font = discrimination. Please explain.

Nemesis: Somehow they got it into their head that funky fonts might make it difficult for people with vision problems to read. So any government or university publication has to be in either Arial or Times New Roman. Or something.

Cicada: I seriously feel like throwing up right now. PLEASE blog about this.

Nemesis: Okay.

Author's note: No offense was intended to the good people of Germany. I'm just a gibbering idiot whose brain is slowly turning to mush. I was born in Germany. I love Germany. Call me!

Audioslave - I Am The Highway Live

I am absolutely hooked.

I Am The Highway

I Am The Highway

Pearls that swim the rift of me
long and weary my road has been
I was lost in the cities
alone in the hills
no sorrow I feel
for anything I feel yea

I am not your rolling wheels
I am a highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky

friends and liars
don't wait for me
cause I'll get on
all by myself
put millions of miles
under my heels
and still too close to you
I feel

I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the sky here
I am not your automn moon
I am the night
the night

I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet rag
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the lightining
I am not your automon
I am the night


Reminded me acutely of someone... I shall not go deeper. It's prehistoric already. [lament]

Sunday 27 August 2006


It's been a while since I blogged. But nothing much happened anyway, my life being such a standstill recently to the point of me not knowing exactly what should I do. Sometimes, I just sit and wait for things to happen.

Anyhow I have renewed my faith in being a metalhead, if it weren't strong enough. I took time off to readjust the badges on my school bag and to take proper due notice and attention to them of which I have been lacking to offer to them. They did a decent job every morning, cheering me up for school, as I looked at the badges in pride and then I am a renewed person almost instantaneously. Now, I believe there are 8 badges on my bag, namely, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Impiety, Opeth, Emperor, Gorgoroth, Satyricon. Yep. In addition of honouring the badges of their significance, I also sticked a decently-sized phamplet that says, "God is Myth" with its background a withering dying tree. It suits my mood perfectly. This constant anarchy of conventionalism, the decomposing state of life in generally. This, I found myself more equipped with the mindset to overcome all matters that obstruct in my path. Sigh. Seems evident enough that I am fated to lead a left-handed path...

Other things include the rabid anticipation for Mega Magic Show on next friday. It will be a great day. I could just foresee that...

Sidenotes: being born in the month of Janurary means a very depressing life that you will lead. I have endured 17 years of latent despair and solemnity, and it's not ending... Damn you, Saturn! Damn you to hell, I say!

I wish my heart could stop working,
Ling the Depressed/Emo.
27th August 2006


It's been a while since I blogged. But nothing much happened anyway, my life being such a standstill recently to the point of me not knowing exactly what should I do. Sometimes, I just sit and wait for things to happen.

Anyhow I have renewed my faith in being a metalhead, if it weren't strong enough. I took time off to readjust the badges on my school bag and to take proper due notice and attention to them of which I have been lacking to offer to them. They did a decent job every morning, cheering me up for school, as I looked at the badges in pride and then I am a renewed person almost instantaneously. Now, I believe there are 8 badges on my bag, namely, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Impiety, Opeth, Emperor, Gorgoroth, Satyricon. Yep. In addition of honouring the badges of their significance, I also sticked a decently-sized phamplet that says, "God is Myth" with its background a withering dying tree. It suits my mood perfectly. This constant anarchy of conventionalism, the decomposing state of life in generally. This, I found myself more equipped with the mindset to overcome all matters that obstruct in my path. Sigh. Seems evident enough that I am fated to lead a left-handed path...

Other things include the rabid anticipation for Mega Magic Show on next friday. It will be a great day. I could just foresee that...

Sidenotes: being born in the month of Janurary means a very depressing life that you will lead. I have endured 17 years of latent despair and solemnity, and it's not ending... Damn you, Saturn! Damn you to hell, I say!

I wish my heart could stop working,
Ling the Depressed/Emo.
27th August 2006

Saturday 26 August 2006

Prague Pics Part 2

Banana and Cordelia. And yes, she will be called Cordelia until she gives me a different alias to use!

The outside of St. Vitus cathedral.

Our first dessert in Prague, which was fabulous, I tell you.

Another cool view. Posted by Picasa

Some Prague pics

Picasa is being weird and only letting me post a few pictures at a time. So this may take a couple of posts. Think of it as a 3-course meal or something. That way it's fun and posh!

The view from the Clock Tower in Old Town Square. I also got a picture of the millions of tourists below me waiting to watch the astronomical clock. We never actually saw the thing chime, which is okay.

View of the Prague Castle compound, where you can easily spend hours and hours walking around.

The stained-glass window by Mucha in the St. Vitus Cathedral (up in the castle). SO cool.

If you stay at the Traveller's Hostel in Prague, which I recommend you do, take a towel. Otherwise you have to buy one. And it doesn't actually cover anything. All the other hostel residents will thank you--in their minds if not verbally. Posted by Picasa

Friday 25 August 2006

Back from Prague, safe and soundish

I'll write real report later--perhaps much, much later.

But I'm back and it was great. Prague is absolutely gorgeous and I love it there. Everyone needs to go. My immune system did not love it so much though, as I managed to pick up a cold and now feel like poo.

Which would be fine, except I have to write 7,000 words or something horrible in the next 5 days.

Pray for me.

Pictures coming soon!

Thursday 24 August 2006

300th Post!

I am quite proud of me making the 300th post mark. Signified a great deal of committment into this once-miniture project of mine. Yay.

On other side of matters, today is a good day, as there's no school for the entire SRJC tomorrow! Hippees! Came home, decided to play with my magic toys, which resulted in;

  1. Getting very frustrated at the linking rings as my one handed link failed repeatedly. Ugh.

  2. Hooked up my IT and had a paper ball floating around my chest. Subsequently, decided to let it float around whilst I continue to do my normal stuff and walk around the house. Which is quite distracting, as the spinning motion of the paper ball could get you quite dizzy.

  3. Did Cups and Balls with sponge balls and glass cups. Then, laughed at myself for 3 minutes straight.

  4. Incarnated myself at the balcony for almsot 3 hours as my magic drawer is there, whilst looking at the glass doors as I flourished away. This invited many comments from my family that I have lost of sanity. Ah wells.

  5. Decided not to wax a Tally Ho, it being too good to be waxed.

Found this link pertaining to Jon Nodtveidt's death, it's getting increasingly surreal that he is gone forever. My subconscious still remains in the mindset that he is still alive... This is affecting me.

Of all, I find this most mind-boggling: "Shortly before the ritual suicide, he had sent farewell letters to his father and his girlfriend and explained to a friend, "I'm going away for a long, long time. I'm going to Transylvania." O_O, seriously.

In light of such morbid matters, I have only more of that sort to lament here. I feel old. It's already nearing September 2006, my days of being 17 years old are quite numbered. Will be turning 18 in around 4 months' time. Geez. I will be in JC2 in no time at all, soon, it will be the apocalytic A Levels. Following that, the pursuit for a degree in a university hopefully. Makes me realise that I could no longer joke around being a blasphemic BM kid and think of novel ideas that might sound impractical in reality. Time really does flies, huh? This is too fast. Inversely, I find the JC education really efficient in obliterating my previous shelf of "not thinking anything in class". More critical, I am now, I also find that studying has essentially fused into my life wholly, and there is no escape. (Don't I sound like Winston?) Amazingly enough, in my secondary school life, where I found much difficulties in even tackling some of the easy topics, here in JC, things just flowed to my mind like water, it's so natural and second nature. In lectures, I'd hear abit and a divine enlghtenment of facts and understanding came to me. And there, I committed them to memory. I have no serious idea why my studying skills took such a sudden curve for the better. This is good, I guess. =)

So much for being a nerd,
24th August 2006

Tuesday 22 August 2006


Finally, I have decided to take some pictures of the signatures I got from Mayhem. So, here are them:
I cannot believe I met Mayhem.

Ack, I own all of you! Hehehe!

Monday 21 August 2006


It is rather disturbing to listen to a song in which a dead person is singing it or watching a video in which a dead person is performing.

Once again, R.I.P Jon.

Sunday 20 August 2006

Heather walk

Here are some pics from the heather walk I did on Saturday. It started pouring rain as soon as we started walking, but Lady J had us all prepared with waterproof trousers and jackets. We looked hot and not at all like drowned rats wrapped in tarp. Luckily, the rain calmed down once we were at the top so that we could actually see the views.

For dinner we went to the Scotsman's Pack, which I'd been hearing about all year from Lady J. The food was wonderful. I had haddock encrusted with hazelnut and basil and goat cheese on top of mashed potatoes. The only scary part was when I bit down on a bone that tried to impale my gum and pop out my lower retainer. Other people had grilled duck, roasted guinea fowl, and rack of lamb. A German couple sat near us and leaned over to ask what "gammon" was. It was amazing what a complicated job we did of explaining, but they eventually understood and everyone was happy.

For pudding (US translation: dessert) I had blueberry creme brulee, even though the chocolate brownie looked so very good. But really, when am I ever going to make a blueberry creme brulee myself? Other people got apple pie with a pitcher of cream, raspberry almond tart with a pitcher of cream, sticky toffee pudding, and the brownie with vanilla bean ice cream and hot fudge sauce. I passed out in the car on the way home.

Lady J says the edge we were walking along is probably where they filmed the "beautiful" scene in P&P. So there's another thing ticked off my list!

I leave for Prague in the morning, so I hope everyone has a good week! I'll be back on Friday.

Posted by Picasa

A Love Letter - 19

Found this very... insighful love letter at 19's LJ. So here is it:

a love letter
you're a butterfly in a jar.

you're a ditaboy bird in a gilded cage I can nudge whenever I wish to see you cling to the bars.

you're harker in my castle, and i'm going to drink you dry.

you're inanna in the underworld. you're my enkidu. you're a prisoner of psychic war.

you're the prince in a tower that can only be reached by flying.

you're a ghola.

you're my ghola.

i raised you and now you have to do whatever i say. we've established that's how that works. though the escape attempts are my butterfly thrashing between my teeth and my tongue and i love them. i open my mouth and exhale you wet and terrified but when i ask if you've been having a nightmare you always, say, no. and you land on my tongue again next time, every time.

i should draw a pentagram around you. or you might escape.

you should draw a pentagram around me. or i might eat you in your darling fucking sleep.

welcome home.


Absolute beauty of that.

Jean-Baptiste Maunier & Clémence Saint-Preux - Concerto pour

My latest obsession. His angelic voice...

Saturday 19 August 2006

My condolences to Dissection

I am really ashamed of myself only discovering the wonders of Dissection only recently. Such a talented band with such brilliant songs. The news of Jon Nodtveidt's death on Wednesday shook me quite abit. I was just admiring his virtuoso performances at a recently filmed gig where he flawlessly pulled off Where Dead Angels Lie. And now, he is gone... to a plane of existance of his liking. Every true metal fan will slatute to your much-valued contributes to the metal scene and for deepening our passions in this arcane interest.

May your soul rest in peace for eternity, Jon Nodtveidt (1975 to 16th August 2006).

For more information: Jon Nodtveidt.

My deepest condolences,
Your ardent listener.

Thursday 17 August 2006

Oh my gosh, it's people! I love the people!

Hello friends, here are today's brief and random thoughts.

Got overloaded on Show tunes and am now listening to London radio stations. Could that "Mymymy" song be more fun? It makes me really wish that I'd gone dancing last night when I had the chance. Dangit.

Went to the post office this morning to order some Czech koruna (which I will be calling Corona in my mind until the end of time) for next week. It felt so wonderful to be out and about! The market was open and the sun was out and everyone was happy and smiling. I couldn't bear to run straight back to the lab, so I got a jam donut for breakfast at a bakery and then slipped into New Look where I found a lovely pair of red strappy sandals on sale. Go me!

Remember when I said that right about now I will probably be snorting caffiene off tabletops? I don't need to anymore, because I just found the craziest thing in Boots. They look like those Listerine breath-strips, but they're caffiene strips. I have no idea how effective theyare, but they were only 49p. They're not very strong--4 strips gives you 32 mg of caffiene, which is the same amount you can get in a Coke.

There's a sign outside the computer lab from a masters student who left his USB stick in the lab with all of his dissertation work on it. He wants to know if anyone has picked it up. If that happened to me I would quite likely pack it in and go home. Every time I see that sign I say a prayer of thanks for the 3 backup copies I keep, and for Monica Geller who taught me to be this way.

Okay. Back to work.

Wednesday 16 August 2006


I apologise for being a total hiatus whore. You might question me, 'So what's up?" I shall give you the ever-ubiquitous reply, "Ceiling".

Oh alright. Not funny... No one's laughing. [echoes]

Quit joking now.

Well, today marks the One Year Anniversary of Slipknot's inaugural annihilistic gig on the fields of the Fort Canning here, where they desekrated the grounds as the 9 men team desired, leaving no trace of humanity at the end of the Maggotisation. It was also a time when all hunger-brimmed maggots of this haunted island got baptised by the profane tunes of this insanity-driven band and by Corey's spit. Two recordings of this ceremony were found in the band's first Live CD, of which have proven the sheer brutality of this madness-dispenser and its fervent followers who sang along in this cult like meeting. At the finale of this 2 hour long propaganda, the band and its 5000 strong horde of maniacal fiends pushed everything to its climax, in the song, Surfacing, where the maggots are required to display their middle fingers high up in the air and curse along the chorus. It was a fucking (sic) experience any maggot couldn't forget even when he is 60 years old. I bet you my ... fingernail that!

Other that that, watched Sophie Scholl today. It has proven me the worth of an award-winning foreign film of 2005, as it left me scarred emotionally with its gloomy heaviness of doom that surrounded the entire film. I departed my warm seat with the recurring thought, "Damn, I feel like a thoughtcriminal who needs serious re-education in my ideology." Two words: WATCH IT. It's a perfect complementary film to the one in 2004, Der Untergang. Each on both sides of the story. Hier komm die Freiheit, mein Volk! Haha.

Let's not talk about school,
16th August 2006

Tell me sweet little lies

My life rotates around computer labs now. I spent from 9am to 8pm in computer labs yesterday, with a 1 hour break to see my supervisor. I went home and ate a frozen pepperoni pizza (which I doctored up by adding sliced chestnut mushrooms, leaves of fresh basil from my still-living basil plant, and mature Cheddar cheese). Then I worked on my job applications until bed time. I put down the new Head of my department as a reference because that's how you do it here, even though I've only spoken to him once. If they are contacted then they go around and get input from people in the department who do know you.

This morning was spent in the lab, working on job applications. Those people who say that looking for a job is a full-time job are so very right. Also, cover letters are hard. Would it be so wrong for me to just flat-out tell the City Library in Salt Lake that I would give a limb to work there? Because that's what I want to do, just so they know I'm committed. Or, you know, should be committed.

I took a lunch break upstairs in my department lobby to get away from the glowing screens, and while I was munching away on a Twix bar (no, that was not my lunch) the Head of the Department strolled by wearing possibly the craziest tie ever. I did that "Hi my mouth is full so I can't say hello but I'm waving, see me wave?" greeting. He stopped, possibly to figure out if I needed help.

He asked how the dissertation is coming, and when I'll be heading back to the States, and why it was that I chose to come to England for my masters, and we continued talking. I was thinking about how he probably has to make small talk with students now that he's Department Head and all.

But then he asked if I'd considered doing a Ph.D., which is when my jaw dropped a little bit. Good thing the Twix was gone. I said I'd thought about it because I'd really enjoyed being back in academia this year, but that I hadn't given it any serious thought yet. He said they would be happy to have me. Then he added that I was "very well liked" in the department and that he hoped I would think about it.

Which, just, yeah. That made my day. I am not even going to think about how it could just be a ploy to bring in international tuition money. I am just going to accept the compliment and be happy.

Tuesday 15 August 2006

I'm not dead!

I'm just dropping a line to let the Internet know that I'm here and I'm alive.

Things that are making the dissertation work easier:

Broadway Radio, baby. I found this yesterday and now my life is lots brighter. Turns out I need to be listening to something if I'm going to sit for 10 hours in a computer lab without killing myself and everyone around me. There were a few songs yesterday that kind of had me doing little twitchy dances in my chair.

Babybel cheese and Cadbury Brunch Bars. Also apples and plums, when I remember to ward off the scurvy. I'm taking my multivitamin though, Mom!

And, um, that's it.

Things that are making the dissertation work harder:

Absolutely. Every. Thing.

This especially means you, computer. Yes, I'm talking to you. And don't you give me that look. I know where a window is. And a canal. And a lorry.

Update on my Internet Love Life:

For anyone who wondered (all 4 of you) how the LinkUp chat date went, it went fine. He was very funny and charming and we IMd for nearly 2 hours. Of course, he turned out to be quite possibly on the rebound, since he split from his girlfriend 3 weeks ago. Also, I know her. Which is fun.

I dated a rebounder once, and I never want to go down that road again. Boys on the rebound, in my mind, are pretty much worthless bundles of hormones and stupid choices. They deserve to be locked up for at least three months after a breakup so that they can't inflict themselves on innocent parties.

And now back to work!

ps. Okay, this Broadway radio thing is a hazard. "Big Spender" is on, and pretty much every muscle in my body is tense because I want to leap out of my seat and get slinky in the computer lab whether or not it freaks out all the Chinese students around me. These hips gotta move. And they kind of are, in my seat, even though I hope no one notices.

Earlier I heard Brian Stokes Mitchell sing "The Impossible Dream" and darn near passed out in my chair. Could. not. breathe. My sister Jenny knows what I'm talking about.

Friday 11 August 2006

Slayer In Singapore.

As I was flipping through today's papers just like any other day, something caught the attention of my eyes. It says, "LAMC presents... SLAYER in Singapore on Friday, 13th October 2006. Singapore Expo Max Pavilion" I did a silent battle growl and pointed the universal \m/ sign. That made my day! =)

To fellow skeptics, you will find yourself owned at this particular website. :D I'm hyped up although there is a high possibilty of me not being able to attend this grand ceremony of brutality. Ah wells, I'm in favour of anything that boasts the metal scene here in Singapore.

Seeing how Satyricon transformed itself from a raw BM, corpse paint-donning, in-love-with-Mother-North-and-her-various-nymphs into the new K.I.N.G(s) of today's MTV with their latest opus, Now, (hardly at all) Diabolical. I believe it is sooner or later they do arrive at this garden city. So I'd wait.

To think of metal at the start of my day is the best thing ever,
12th August 2006

You know, it only takes a few terrorists to ruin it for everyone

Please let me state here that I am very, very impressed and grateful that the UK managed to get wind of what was going on, and I hope that this weekend goes very smoothly and safely for travellers. I cannot overstate that.

That said, check out the new luggage regulations published by the Home Office:

The following items may be taken through airport security search points and into the plane's cabin, but only in a transparent, plastic carrier bag. All items not on this list must be processed as hold baggage and carried in the hold of passenger aircraft departing UK airports.

  • Pocket-size wallets and pocket-size purses plus contents (for example money, credit cards, identity cards --handbags are not allowed.
  • Travel documents essential for the journey (passports and travel tickets)
  • Prescription medicines and medical items sufficicent and essential for the flight (diabetic kit), except in liquid form unless verified as authentic.
  • Spectacles and sunglasses, without cases.
  • Contact lens holders, without bottles of solution.
  • For people traveling with an infant: baby food, milk (the contents of each bottle must be tasted by the accompanying passenger).
  • Female sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight, if unboxed (tampons, pads, towels and wipes).
  • Tissues (unboxed) and/or handkerchiefs.
  • Keys (but not with electrical key fobs).
People have also been told to expect massive delays and additional security screenings. Good thing I'm not flying to Prague or anything in a week, huh? In all the dissertation craziness I sort of forgot about that.

The question will be whether the rules will have relaxed any by September 14th. I've already got chick lit which I bought specifically for the flight to Atlanta, and now I might not even be allowed to take it on with me. I bet all those overpriced bookstores in the airports are loving this. What they don't know is that Savvymom will be meeting me in Atlanta and that she will bring me stuff if I ask her to. So that should show those airport bookstores. And the terrorists.

i Learn day

Providing you with the updates on SRJC's 2nd iLearn Day is The Computer Sloth, yours truly. Many edgy problems surfaced amidst my constant listening to metal to fuel my mind to greater dimensions during this technological academic warfare.

The problems are as below;
  1. Did my Khemikal Kinetiks quiz at the stroke of midnight, with me running for my pen and calculator as I wasn't too prepared that the quiz could be that demanding. Nontheless, it went okay in the end, getting 14/20.
  2. Attempted Mathematics which proved to me the fact that technology could be an utter pain in the arse. Reasons being, the graphics of much arcane-looking mathematical symbols took around 14^n X 10^25 minutes to load, n being the number of images. In the end, it doesn't even matter! [LP fan's insider joke] whether I get 1/30 or 18/30. Because I got the latter. :P
  3. Been a total mugger for Biology's well-deserved turn, read Campbell and all before doing it. Well, as some teacher quoted, "You reap what you sow!" Yes, I got what I deserved. 13/16. ^^
  4. Leaving only Economics to accomplish, I feel good!
  5. The last of my problems is that my body ached from the excessive usage of this generator of wonders and churning noises due to its many in-built fans.
  6. Last but not least, I love i-learn day! No school! Who cares if one word takes 10 minutes to load?!
Other non-academic things include the acquirement of a Norwegian guidebook! Hippe!

I want to watch Sophie Scholl badly... I want to watch any Dreite Reich film in Deustche badly. =)

I need a damn life.

My ears hurt from the tight headphones, my brother commented the wrong technique involved in me wearing them. I couldn't care less.

Dinner! Aus,
11th August 2006

Thursday 10 August 2006

Something's not linking up here

A few brave souls have written me on that LDS LinkUp thing lately--and not just the crazy Europeans and Latin Americans, though. Now I've got crazy Americans too. So chalk one up for me and my hotness and my sexy eyes which say so much about me.

One guy actually seems quite funny and possibly normal. We've emailed back and forth a few times and are having a "chat" date tonight, which is a first for me. I'm considering wearing pajamas and no makeup just because I can.

Rest assured, though, there are still plenty of freaks out there. An exploratory search found a few men whose "Who I Would Like to Meet" sections included the following gems:

I would like to meet people who for reals have the same interests as me. Born in raised in utah is a plus.

Grammatical errors aside, WHAT??? What does that even MEAN? I am confused and disturbed by this on so many levels. Does he mean that he's looking for someone who likes Utah and wants to keep living there? Why doesn't he just say that? Because lots of people who weren't born there feel that way, and lots of people who were born and raised there would happily gnaw their own arm off to get out.

Does he think there is something native to the soil and water of UT that will produce the kind of woman he wants? And what if he meets someone who is completely compatible with him but wasn't raised in Utah--is she out? "I'm sorry, you're great, but your parents made some really wrong choices." Why doesn't he pick some other arbitrary thing that is out of the woman's control--like only going for left-handed people?

It's crap like this that gives Utahns a bad name. This guy needs to shut up. And speaking of shutting up, we have our next entry:

i prefer fun-loving, easy going girls with something exotic to offer. What does that mean? You tell me! RRRAAAARRRRRR!!!!

Run, ladies. Run away quickly. Something exotic to offer? I think what he's actually looking for is something he sees quite regularly alone in his room on the Internet late at night. And yet I'm not as alarmed by his requirements as I am by this next gentleman's.

im looking for an easy going, loving, caring, balls out relationship.

Ahem. Excuse me, but, um, whose, exactly? Did he actually mean to say that? Because I'm pretty sure most of the good LDS girls on this site would sort of frown on that. And then call the cops.

Great. Now I'm freaked out about tonight. Things will be going along fine, and then suddenly he'll announce that he's naked at his computer. Which will be really awkward for everyone, since he'll be writing from work on his lunch break.

Wish me luck with that!

Wednesday 9 August 2006

Dimmu Borgir - Raabjorn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde

I have been looking for this for ages. Kick arse!

Opeth - Hope Leaves (Live Lamentations DVD)

Another heart-rending ballad. Just love Opeth to the core.

Opeth - Forest Of October (live)

Opeth is pure gold. <3.


I think my siblings went insane. They are playing o2Jam together and laughing manically. O.o

Bored stiff!

Happy Birthday, Singapore.

Happy 41st Birthday, Singapore! I am not so patriotic to the extent of singing praises here. So yeah.

Was chatting with Mephistopheles just now;
LingNemesis: Happy 41st Spawnday, Singapore. says:
It's Singapore's 41st Birthday!
Mephistopheles says:
Mephistopheles says:
Do you get a Victory Gin cup?

Mephistopheles says:
why are you guys having this serious demonstration anyways? 41 isn't an important number
LingNemesis: Happy 41st Spawnday, Singapore. says:
they do it every single year
Mephistopheles says:
omfg lmao, tell your friends "Did you go to the spontaneous demonstrations, comrades?" =D

Sigh and Lol.

Yesterday was rather fun, and a little satisfying due to the fact that there is no lessons and SRJC fucking built the longest sandcastle in Singapore. After that, went to meet up with Ren Hui and Adeline for lunch and aimless walking at Orchard road, of which we patroned our favourite fast-food chain, aka Subway.

Ren hui has a stack deck, and it fashions itself after an Arthmetric Progression. Something you wouldn't want to hear about outside school. Ugh.

There are no decent shows to watch on Tv, and the 3 hour long National Day Parade is only going to make things worse for me. [switches to Youtube or Google Video]

9th August 2006

Monday 7 August 2006


In around 3 hours time, I will be building bloody sandcastles... How awesome is that.

0527 hours.

Sweet, I've been tagged!

Miss Hass tagged me, which is funny because I just had a Sunday afternoon nap dream about her. I was trying to get out to California to meet up with Miss Hass and AA and Lady Steed, only I had to catch a ferry to get there, somehow. The people in charge told me I had to jump off a bridge and then once I was in the water the ferry would pick me up. And then they pushed me off the huge very-high-up bridge. Luckily I didn't die, and the ferry did fish me out. I made my water-logged way up to where Miss Hass sat playing with her iPod. And some people snickered because I was dripping wet. Jerks. But then we went to San Francisco and shopped like the fabulous young people we are, so it ended up being a good dream.

What is your salad dressing of choice? Tomatillo Ranch Dressing from Cafe Rio. I would drink that stuff.

What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Ugh, two years on the road put me off fast food. As did Fast Food Nation and Supersize Me. But right now I could go for In-N-Out.

On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 15% if the service was meh, 20% otherwise. If it's really crappy then they get no tip and a strongly-worded letter. And I get them fired. And burn their house down.

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Any food that Ioan Gruffudd chooses to feed me. In bed.

Name three foods you detest above all others. I'm not that picky, but I absolutely hate Squash (the English drink). I can deal with almost anything else.

What is your favorite dish to order in a Chinese restaurant? Crispy aromatic duck, which I hardly ever do because it's expensive.

What are your pizza toppings of choice? Marinated mushrooms, pepperoni, mascarpone cheese

What do you like to put on your toast? Brie, or my mom's homemade jam. Or both.

What is your favorite type of gum? I don't chew gum, much like I don't chew my cud.

What is your wallpaper on your computer? The Windows XP wallpaper with the yellow tulips, on account of I lost all my good stuff when I had to restore factory settings to my piece of monkey crap laptop last week. It gave me the bluescreen error TWICE the next day, mind you. So I've extended the warranty and added some accidental damage protection for when I drop-kick the thing out the window.

What is your screensaver on your computer? Don't ask. You've seen how upset I get.

Are there naked pictures saved on your computer? Wouldn't you like to know.

What kitchen appliance do you use the most? The microwave, sadly. I will probably grow a third arm or give birth to a flippered child.

Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Two moles and several teeth

Do you prefer to read when you go to the bathroom? Always. Right now Cold Comfort Farm is the bathroom book of choice.

When was the last time you had a cavity? Chuh. Probably the last time I went to the dentist. Jerks.

What is the heaviest item you lift regularly? My stupid computer. I'm training for when I throw it off an overpass.

Have you ever been knocked unconscious? No, but I nearly passed out when they were sawing my moles off. I'm a wuss.

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Only if it were going to happen in the next 5 years. I have some riotous living to get out of the way first.

How do you express your artistic side? Interpretive dance about the life of mountain goats

What color do you think you look best in? Pink, according to my mother

How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison? Depends. Could I beat up my cell-mate?

If we weren't bound by society's conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at? Have you met my relatives? No way.

Have you ever saved someone's life? No, but I've considered ending some people's.

Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? Hmmm . . . how public?

Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? Only if it was Cicada.

Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? Nope. They're already freakishly short and useless, but I do use them.

Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? Definitely. I have no problem being naked underneath a nice big fluffy bathrobe.

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? How big a bottle are we talking about here?

Would you shave your head and get your entire body waxed for $5,000? Heck yes. Consider, we women already pay people do that sort of thing to us.

Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? Show me where to sign up, baby.

Would you never blog again for $50,000? Sure. I would use the money to buy my own website where I tell funny stories. It wouldn't be a blog, though.

Not in this lifetime.

I was pondering last night on my vast range of interests. Now that I have exposed myself to even more literacy works and issues, my area of interest now expanded to a wide spectrum ranging from religion, supernatural, politics, social science, philosophy, arts, ancient civilizations, mythologies, magic(k), films, languages, eugenics, and a whole ton more. There are sub topic within each, making my quest of knowledge over them a several fold harder one. Thus, I wondered, "I will never get a decent grasp of all that in this lifetime at the rate I am going now, unless I quit school to pursue this strange interest that many people of my age care less about."

However, I really wish I could master what I could. One can always hope, right?

Anyway, back to reality, the whole of SRJC is going to East Coast (Chaos) park on the morrow for their 41st National Day celebrations, an prestigious occasion where students get to build sandcastles using state-of-the-art tools, such as a few pieces of arcylic templates with moulds for stairs and windows. Wow. I mean, this is so cool. One student is obliged to build at mere least 1 metre worth of lump, that would make a total of around 1 plus km worth of sandlumps, making it Singapore's longest! Besides that usage of free labour on the beaches, students are required to cover 3.2km and 5km respectively for those of XX and XY chromosomes. Of course, being a political threat to the school, I will walk the distance with my player on, and getting twice as much free drinks I could that they provide. I, too, will attempt to build a Gothic styled castle, to horrify the entire joyous occasion, and to dampen everyone's festive mood. Therefore, renaming East Coast Park into Eastern Haunted Coast Park. I shalt scribe "Here lies the Lair of Dracula" upon the entrance of my castle. And then, snap 42 pictures of it and smile proudly at myself. =)

I doubt that will happen though. [Shut up! That's my pesmisstic twin talking.]


Life is just like that,
7th August 2006

I could go undercover if I needed to

A few weeks ago during church a girl was talking about her mission and about a fellow missionary whose positive attitude had a good influence on her. In her words: "He was most definitely an American. He had the huge smile with the really white teeth."

This made me think, "Huh. How come they automatically assume that having white teeth is an American thing?" Also, "Oooh, that reminds me. Must get bleaching trays out--it's been a while."

This week there was a guy visiting who had served here as a missionary 20 years ago, so people were all excited to see him. He got up and bore his testimony and was very sweet, even if he was a total bawl-baby. A bit later in the meeting a woman got up and as soon as I saw her I knew she had to be his wife. Everything about her screamed "American! American! Native to or possibly just influenced by the Mormon fashion trends of Utah or California!"

She had very tan skin, very white teeth, and very blond highlighted hair. Her haircut was the one that's parted on the side and back-combed a little bit and flat-ironed, about shoulder-length. I've seen it on hundreds of girls in my singles ward and I've probably had it at some point. She was wearing a very cute white knee-length skirt--likely from the Gap or Nordstrom, and a dark denim top. Also she ratted her husband out and said that he started bawling in the car on the way up. I think she used the words "became quite tender and emotional" instead but we all know what she meant, and I think it's lucky he didn't wreck their car if he was all blubbering at the wheel like that.

After the meeting I was chatting with two girlfriends and we talked about how funny it was that you could immediately pick this lady out as an American. My friend S said, "Oh yeah, I saw her in the hall and knew right away." I said that she pretty much looks like the Trendy Mormon Mom. S tactfully wondered if American Mormon Moms feel a lot of pressure to look a certain way, if that's the standard that's being held up. I think a lot of them do, but I don't think it's something that every woman worries about.

I asked if people can automatically pick me out as an American. They said no, because I've got that rosy English kind of complexion. So yay for freckles and British ancestry! My teeth would give me away though.

Thing is, whether or not they have bleached teeth, the English girls are gorgeous. They really are. Their skin is beautiful and they have great hair. They dress well without being hung up about everything matching and coordinating perfectly. And there are the accents. My friends laughed when I told them that when we Americans watch English films we think they sound so sophisticated. S pointed out that most of the stuff we get in the US is about sophisticated Jane-Austen type women with lovely accents.

True point. We don't really watch Eastenders in the States. If we did it would likely cure us of the English-accent worship.

Sunday 6 August 2006

I have lost it

I think I have lost it, my very last bit of sanity. Why? Read below:

  • I have done the maths e-learning lecture on Maclaurin's Expansion thing, when it's supposed to done on Wednesday or Thursday.
  • I have tried Chemical Equrilibria Tutorial when the lecture isn't finished yet.
  • I have completed Differentiation 2 Tutorial, when the teacher is still at question 3.
  • I have studied for that menial Chinese test.
  • I have actually revised my Biology on DNA and Genomics.
Jesus christ! Save me from this sin! Holy crap. I need to chill.

Other than that, this weekend was pretty alright. Had a haircut on saturday and met up with SMC people at Subway for some cult meeting which resulted in a teacher memorising the entire deck order, that alone is satanic enough. I can't even remember my own name.... Kudos to Shade.

Sunday? Stoner's day stoning at the computer and getting my mind melted away and dripping from my left ear. Yeah, that's a very brief summary.

And yes, Slayer's desecration here is more or less confirmed. It will be held at Indoor Stadium on the 13th October 2006. It will be raining blood and flinging bodies upon the moshpit! Can't wait for their arrival, though I'm not going...

I never knew such cool people existed in SRJC until yesternight, when someone accidentally ntroduces me to an ex-SRJCian by the name of Myren. Who also happens to be metalhead and a worthy one too. Had a great chat with him. Good to know he has dropped out of that place 3 weeks ago. I have to endure more stuff, due to the lack of courage to drop out on my part. People who are just about to persuade me to stay on, saying, "You are doing well in JC what!" Do not stop me, your attempts will be futile as my main wish is to get out of SRJC quick.

Can't wait for tuesday where I could fucking build sandcastles (hooray! Singapore's longest!),
6th August 2006

Friday 4 August 2006

You and your green eyeshadow can shut it

The other day I went to Superdrug to look for Oil of Olay moisturizer with SPF 15 for sensitive skin (found it!) and empty travel-sized toiletry bottles (found them, but they were way too small and expensive to be of any use to me--where's Wal-Mart when you need it, huh?).

When I came out, an older lady stopped me and launched into a rehearsed speech. Lots of people approach you in the market, either collecting for charities or asking you to answer a survey or questionaire, so it's a common thing. She had a very thick Leicestershire accent and was speaking so quickly that I honestly had no idea what she was saying. Also I was distracted by the shiny green eyeshadow that was caked all over her eyelids all the way up to (and possibly extending past) her eyebrows.

I finally came to understand that she worked for a clothing store and they were sending out their fall catalog which contained "some very loovleh jackets." She went to start entering in my name and address into her hand-held electronic gadgety thing just as I realized what she was on about.

Me: Oh, no thank you, I don't need a catalog. I'm going back to the States soon so I wouldn't be able to use it.

Green Eyeshadow Lady: They go out next week, so you'll have time.

(Actually, lady, don't you get me started about what I do and do not have time for.)

Me: Thank you, but I won't be doing any clothes shopping before then.

GEL: Well I'll just send you the catalog and you can have a look.

Me: No thanks, I really won't get around to looking at it.

(Also I could just imagine Lady J's reaction to receiving yet another load of junk mail for the next three years once they have her address.)

GEL: It's a free catalog, though. And you might like a jacket for autumn.

Me, finally feeling fed up and wanting her to go away now: Thank you, no. I really don't need it, it would just . . . kill trees.

GEL: Alright then, thanks lov.

But then as I walked away I heard her mutter, "Kill trees" in a tone of absolute disgust. Which I don't think was very nice of her, since she was the one who accosted me in the first place. It's not like I ran up to her screaming "Die, Tree Killer!" I let it go, on account of I am gracious and wouldn't want to get any slimy green eyeshadow on me.

And anyway, I wasn't trying to say that I think she is the equivalent of one who goes into the redwood forests and takes a chainsaw to the trees out of the sheer joy of the thing. I was just saying that it would be a waste (of paper and money) to send the thing to my house. Which, really, is a pretty good reason in my book. I wouldn't have read the thing. I would have tossed it straight into the recycling bin, and then Lady J would have had to do the same with everything else they sent afterward. And it's not like she was handing out something that could be set aside but then possibly picked back up again later or maybe given to someone else who wanted it. It wasn't a Bible. It was a catalog that will be completely worthless in 2 months.

So even if this lady doesn't care about the environment at all since she's going to die soon, I still have a good 70 years left here and I do care.

Plus I just don't want people sending junk to my house that I don't ask for. If anyone from IKEA or Williams-Sonoma or Crate & Barrel or Pottery Barn wants to send me some stuff they can go right ahead!

Thursday 3 August 2006


Today saw the ultimate bombardment of Chemistry brainwashing. Let me tell you the exact details; had Chemistry Lecture on Chemical Equrilibria Part I in the morning which lasted for 1 hour, Chemistry Practical on Chemical Kinetics which lasted for 2 hours, and last but not least, a make up Chemistry Lecture on Chemical Equirilbria Part II and Chemical Bondage Test Correction which lasted for another 1 hour and a half. So, do your maths. I survived 4 hours and a half of pure Chemistry today. I shall reinforce the duration, 4 hours and a half in a single day.

Other things in school today includes;

  • Calling Emily The PW Leader a figurehead as Elaine is getting a wee bit bossy nowadays.
  • Deciding to vote for Worker's Party instead of PAP, because Elaine = Lee Hisen Loong The PM, PAP and Emily = President Nathan.
  • Had a series of high, rather disturbing noises that resembled a fire alarm, oh it IS a fire alarm. Unfortunately, a false one. However, fun though, amidst the dullest of all dull days.
  • Grinned at a picture of Mein Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, which is on a poster for House Election, and almost did The Nazi Salute and yelled, 'Heil, mein Fuhrer!" But, I have self restraint, despite my affinity for it.
  • Got very bored in the middle of all.
  • Thought of many various things, including racist jokes and dirty ones too.
  • Was temporariy infected with the AntiSocial Syndrome.

I think that's about it...

And I am listening to Phil Collins whilst typing this. So I am relatively harmless.

Ling, Aus.
3rd August 2006

Wednesday 2 August 2006

Your mom's a DOPA.

You know, if people would just stop being stupid then I could finish my dissertation in peace instead of having to be a force for social change all the time.

The latest is that the House of Representatives have passed this Deleting Online Predators Act, which, from the title, sounds like a good thing. I hate online predators, I'm all for deleting them. But what the bill actually does is require schools and public libraries to block pretty much any kind of site that allows "social networking" or interaction features. This would include:

  • Blogs, including mine
  • Instant-messaging
  • MySpace and sites like unto it
  • Gmail (because of the chat feature)
  • Wikipedia and other wikis
  • Online forums
What the crap is that? Those are pretty much the best things on the Internet!

Also, whoever heard of online predators hanging out at Wikipedia? Plus, lots of libraries have tried to make their websites better and more community-building by introducing interactive features--librarians can post library events or featured books and people can comment about them afterwards. Some have created discussions forums where people can discuss books and movies, etc. These updated websites could fall under this legislation as well, which would make all that time and money a waste.

Here's the main thing: Lots of people can only access the Internet at school or the libray. This includes people who come from very poor and disadvantaged communities. If they're going to learn how to use the Internet, that's where it's going to be. If this law passes, they won't even have access to those things, much less learn how to use them effectively and safely--they'll be put at an even greater technological and educational disadvantage.

Do you really want me to become a librarian and have to say to some kid (or adult), "I'm sorry, you're poor. Only the people with Internet at home get to be bloggers. Or use Wikipedia for research. Or open a Gmail account. In fact, you shouldn't even really know those words."

You can read a better, longer explanation at the ALA's page here. This still has to get through the Senate, but it went through the House practically uncontested. If you are bothered by the fact that people won't be able to read my blog at their public library (a travesty if there ever was one) then you know what to do.

Tuesday 1 August 2006

Torturous Tuesday

Here, once again, I survived another round of Torturous Tuesday which ended its relentless brainwashing session(s) only at a holocaustic time at 5.30pm. Considering the instructors of The Torture Chamber started emitting brainwashing at 8am, we have absolutely no trace of humanity left at the end of the session, although I had a decent lunch at a near-by Civilian's eating place with my fellow inmates.

Bah. I've a very extremely brief idea of my Nemesis Manifesto now, I think I am going to start writing some stuff soon. Cool to know Keroy digs such intellectual musing as well, awesome! So we were discussing about Eugenics. He said to give our parents to prove their worth in a time limit of one lifetime. I said, 'That's too long, yo! I give them 5 minutes!"

Can't wait for next week. The idea of only going for Monday for academic or brainwashing purpose is appealing enough.

Life used to be good, until You came along,
1st August 2006

The August 1st Panic

Some of you may remember that September 1st, 2005 was the date I scheduled to start panicking about England. I also said that you could check back with me on August 1st, 2006, when I will start panicking about the End of England.

Well. Here we are. Only the thing is, I'm not panicking. I should be, of course. The sane and normal thing to do would be to crawl under my desk and never come out, because let's look at the facts:

I have about 6 weeks to write, bind, and turn in a master's thesis, visit Prague, pack, get rid of the stuff I'm not taking home, say goodbye to everyone, tie up loose ends, and get on a plane. And then I will need to look nice for the wedding pictures, even though I will probaby resemble some insane wild-eyed thing dredged up from the bottom of a swamp by then. Then I will recover at my parents' house in butt-freezing Alaska while I send out job applications until I can find a library job in Utah or wherever is hiring.

So yes. I should be a whimpering, jelly-like mass rocking in the corner cackling softly to myself. Only I think possibly Heavenly Father has been teaching me some good lessons about worrying and why we shouldn't do it. First off, it's pointless. Secondly, we don't actually know what we're talking about. We only see so much, and the things we dread might not even be issues anymore by the time we get there. This has definitely been true for me in the last few months. At this point, even though I am anxious about the dissertation and the sleepless nights that I'm letting myself in for by procrastinating, I actually have a pretty good feeling of peace and well-being. Things will work out.

Just for fun, I thought I would tackle the list of worries I had about coming to England and see how close to the mark I was. Ready?

The Being There Fears

My classes will be too hard. They weren't.

Everyone will hate me. They didn't. I've made some fabulous friends, and random people in the street show me their boobs as if I'm some kind of mammogram technician, that's how popular I am.

My new ward will make me be the Primary chorister, and those kids will eat me alive. Close--they called me to nursery instead, and the kids are actually quite sweet. Also, have loved my ward here. I'm going to miss it alot.

My skin and hair will freak out and turn me into some sort of zit-faced Medusa. The reverse has been true. At this precise moment in time, my skin and hair have never been better. It's all going to go to crap though once I start changing climates. I know and begrudgingly accept this.

My landlord will be an axe murderer who comes into my room and sits in a chair by my bed and watches me with glowing red eyes while I sleep. I never caught her at this. Lady J and I have gotten on really well together, I think. She's been helpful and friendly without ever being intrusive or pushy. She is great about suggesting places for me to visit and even taking me to see some of them. Also she cooks traditional English foods and shares them with me. Of course, it could be that I've been driving her insane all year long, but if so then she hasn't said anything.

I will wither away and die from cell phone withdrawal. Hah! Foiled that one by getting a mobile after about a week. Also was introduced to Skype. And Gtalk. Have never felt so alive.

I’ll spend all my time blogging and will therefore fail all my classes. Well . . . I had a point there. Also I'm not out of the woods yet. But I can't give up the blogging!

I will never get an idea for a thesis, and the department will tell me to just go home, because they clearly made a mistake. Finally did get an idea, and it kicks trash.

I will turn out to hate library science and libraries. And books. Maybe I'll hate them too, all of a sudden. Nope. Still love books, and discovered to my shock and surprise that even things like cataloging and classification turn me on a little bit.

I will get crushingly homesick and will cry every night into my pillow. Never happened. I will probably end up crying for England and its chocolate and baby lambs before long, though.

I won’t get homesick, and won’t stay in touch with friends or family, so that when I come home they will all spit on the ground when they see me coming and will refuse to speak to me. Um, we're okay there, right? Right??? PLEASE TELL ME WE'RE OKAY!!!

I won’t meet, fall in love with, and marry a handsome Brit, which means there's a life-long dream shot to pieces. Two out of three, people. Not too shabby!

I will meet, fall in love with, and marry a handsome Brit, which will be a very stressful thing to deal with and plan. I mean, clearly it’s cheapest to do the thing in the US, but think of the pictures you could get in the UK! I don't even know what I'll do about that. And there you have the additional bonus of the two-out-of-three scenario. I totally avoided the whole quandary, which is what I mean about the options you think you will have not necessarily being true.


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