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Wednesday 13 September 2006


So this is pretty much it. I have no idea how this year went by so fast. Suddenly I'm getting on a plane and have no idea what to think or feel. Except I hope they have cheese with the on-flight meal. And chocolate. Even if it is breakfast.

I just turned in my dissertation. Felt a bit dazed when I saw the hard cover w/my name printed on the spine, just like a big-girl book.

Closed out my Barclay's bank account. My masters degree cost $22,000, which is $8,000 under budget. I kick trash. People should marry me for my fiscal skills alone.

Tonight my sweet friends are throwing me a goodbye party, and then someone will drop me and my bags off at the curb of the Leicester Bus Station.

And then the trek begins. Let's go over this, shall we?

12:15 am--Catch National Express bus to Gatwick Airport

4:00 am--Arrive at airport.

7:00 am--Check in for flight. Will be told that my luggage is too heavy. Will suck it up and pay the fines.

9:00 am--Fly to Atlanta. Take herbal sleep aids with in-flight meal. Lots of them. Live without water OR lip balm. Seriously, people. You think the terrorists are going to use lip balm??

1:00 pm--Atlanta arrival. Sit around for hours. Without lip balm. Because The Precious went to Alaska early, will not be seeing her. Will formulate half-baked answers to potential interview questions.

5:45pm--Fly to SLC.

9:05pm--Fly to Alaska amongst the fleece-wearers.

12:05am--Arrive in Alaska and terrify my mother with the sight of my dead, gaunt face, peeling lips, and grouchy demeanor. Wait 6 hours for luggage with half the population of Anchorage. Drive 45 minutes to house.

1:30am--Pass out in bed at the end of 34 hours of traveling.

12:00pm--Attempt a coherent phone interview for a UT library job. Will probably start a) sobbing, b) speaking in tongues, or c) snoring at some point during interview. Wish me luck with that, please?

The one thing I'm sort of not letting myself think about is how much I will miss everyone and how rubbish I am at saying goodbye to people. And I don't want to think about how much I will miss beautiful England and the color green. So I won't think about it right now. You'll get many a tear-stained post in the future about that, I'm sure.

Had better go check my bags one more time, but I hope people will still keep reading this blog when it's not all English and cool anymore and when it's just about this girl who got a masters degree so she could go live with her parents in the tundra.

Took this picture on Sunday in Bradgate Park. See why I want to cry?


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