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Friday 17 July 2009

Lady of leisure

This is one of those weekends where I work Saturday instead of Friday (blah) but I'm determined to make the most of it. Which is why I will be doing the following today:

Watching Cranford. Has anybody here seen this? I've only watched the first episode so far and it is delicious. Plus it allows me to play my favorite game, which is called "Shriek the Name of That British Actor and the Names of the Other Films or Plays in Which You Have Seen Them." Extra points if you can do this before their faces come fully into focus. I tell you. Best. Game. Ever. Is especially fun for those sitting around you.

Knitting. Am finishing a baby sweater for the due-in-two-weeks addition to the Precii. As soon as the buttons are on I will take pictures and post them here. But ladies, I must warn you. It is quite likely that one or more of your ovaries will burst upon viewing. Guys, I really don't know what it will do to you. But be on the lookout for strange women running up and telling you that they just saw this one baby sweater on a blog and they need a baby NOW and could you please help out with that.

Eating clam chowder. I made a quite good clam chowder last night, taking me one step closer in my Quest for the Perfect Clam Chowder Recipe. Other quests include The Perfect Cobbler Recipe (done, thanks to Danalee) and The Perfect Pizza Dough Recipe (yeah, so not there yet).

Possibly showering. But only if I have time.

What would everyone here want to do on an enforced day of leisure?


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