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Monday 4 May 2009

In which I win "Best Wife Ever" award

I married a nerd. A handsome, smart, funny nerd, but a nerd nonetheless. I am not sorry about this in any way. It does, however, means that sometimes adventures like the following are bound to happen.

GH has been beyond excited about J.J. Abram's upcoming Star Trek film. Excited like he has been calling me over to the computer for the past 5 months to watch every single teaser trailer that has come out. And the 2nd-angriest I've ever seen him was when I behaved in a dismissive manner toward one of the trailers. I believe the words "I don't love you anymore!" possibly came out, which is when we got to have the conversation called "Yeah . . . we do not actually use those words to each other, get it?"

(1st-angriest I've ever seen him = the time I told him I couldn't see what was so bad about our slightly fuzzy TV screen picture, and couldn't we just live with the fuzz. You would think I'd just announced that there was no difference between Star Wars and Star Trek. And also that I was having an affair. With someone who also did not know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek. And also Lost sucks. He couldn't even stand still, he was so infuriated that I could just sit there being so incredibly wrong.)

So there's your backstory. As soon as was humanly possible, GH bought tickets to see the new Star Trek this coming Friday (opening weekend) on an IMAX screen. We're going with a bunch of friends, so it should be a good time. But then GH ended up with a free pass to go to an advance screening of the film at 10:00am May 2nd. There was no question that he would be using this free pass, even if he already did have a ticket. I indicated that he was welcome to take one of his other friends as his guest and I would just content myself with seeing the movie next weekend (you know, because I'm a giver). But the friends fell through, so I said I would go with him.

For the first time in our married life (and possibly ever in GH's), we both got up at 7:00 on a Saturday morning and drove downtown to pick up our tickets. GH had been told that the tickets would be available at 8:00am, and I'd found us a breakfast place to try before the movie, which I was very excited about. Turns out that was wrong, and they weren't being handed out til 9:00am. Our breakfast plans now shot, GH very manfully headed out in the rain to hunt/gather us some food. I know I have moral objections to McDonalds and everything, but my word those hash brown bars must be laced with crack. He even went back to get me ketchup. The bonus of being there so early was that we were near the frontish of the line. One woman had been there since 6:40. Because she was insane.

Then we hung out in the theatre with all the other fans and had fun chatting and eavesdropping. I only saw one guy wearing a Captain Kirk shirt. Trenchcoat Guy, just head of us with his wife and sons, was very anxious about the seating and whether he would be able to get the seat he wanted. We also heard him boast that he named all of his sons after X-men characters (Scott, Logan, etc) with his wife being none the wiser. (I really like to think that I would be able to catch GH out at this and that my nerd-dar might ping at names like like Locke, Wash, Faith, Buffy, Marty McFly, Egon, etc.)

Then Trenchcoat Guy started talking about the movie Wolverine, and about the backstory that isn't included in the movie. I listened for a bit and noticed GH shaking his head. "What that guy is saying is completely wrong. He's a nerd and what he's saying is wrong."

GH explained, "There is nothing worse than a nerd who has his facts wrong. I mean, he's a nerd. He should know. If anyone should know, he should. It's just embarrassing."

Me: "Really. Nothing worse."

GH: "Nope."

Me: "Worse than Nazis, even."

GH: "Well, they're probably about equal. Because there were probably some Nazis who were all gung-ho but didn't really have their facts straight either."

So there you have it.

Also? The movie was really good. Will admit to being just a tiny bit excited to see what it's going to look like on the IMAX screen on Friday.


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