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Friday 6 February 2009

Random is maybe better than nothing

The creative juices are dry and the lunch break is short, so here are some random Friday library reflections.

1. Teenagers can be so nice when you get them on their own. Then the next day when they have rejoined the pack they are unrecognizable little beasts. It is sad.

2. I did not consciously choose to spend my days dealing with unstable people. And yet this is what I spend so much time doing. I need to get some sort of sign I can just smack down on my desk that reads, "This conversation is over, as I have just now realized that you are insane." Because really, if nothing you say or do is going to make a dent, why waste the breath?

3. Little toddler boys in wooly bear jackets are precious, especially I lean over my desk to whisper, "Hey, I really like your jacket," and they look up at me solemnly and whisper back, "You have a great time!" Why thank you, I believe I will.

4. I should maybe stop making "crossing my eyes and shooting myself in the temple" gestures while on the phone, as other patrons may start to notice and wonder if that's what I'm doing while I'm on the phone with them, too. (Answer: If you are being insane whilst on the phone, then yes. Yes I am.)

5. Some people can be so lovely, and because they are so lovely I want to do all kinds of lovely extra things for them, like spend extra time finding things they might like or making little exceptions for them or maybe pressing dried flowers into the pages of their holds.

6. Some people can be real A-holes. I do not wish to do anything for these people other than make them go away. (Just a few recent A-hole moves include tossing your library card on the desk rather than handing it to the librarian like you think you are James Flipping Bond tossing his Aston keys at the valet, making exasperated noises at the librarians who are trying to help you, and tapping your fingers on the desk. None of these things make me wish to provide you with quality information services. But I will, because I am still awesome. Watch your back, though.)

7. Despite the crazies and the jerkies, I do really have a great job. I work with great people in a lovely building. For the most part I am helping people meet important needs, and that in turn makes me feel good.

Pssssst: Monday will be the much-touted Mormon Wedding Reception post. See you then, and have a great weekend!


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