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Wednesday 18 February 2009

Recent highlights and lowlights

Highlight: Celebrated Lincoln's birth by achieving a fiscal victory. (It is what he would have wanted. Also I avoided being racist that day, which I think he would have also found pleasing.)Lugged self out of bed and drove to Provo for the Shade Clothing sale. Spent $35 on a pile of tops that were regularly priced at $140. Didn't have to elbow anyone in their shiny, shiny white teeth but was fully prepared to.

Highlight: Much love, enthusiasm, and sandwich hugs from darling Savvy & Ethan on Monday. The sandwich hug alone could probably restart the heart of a dead person. Or Ann Coulter.

Highlight: Savvy loves the darling pink stripey legwarmers I'm knitting for her 5th birthday. This is good, because the last thing I made her was a purple poncho that looked like it had Cheeto crumbs sprinkled on it. I doubt it's seen the light of day since.

Lowlights: Suspected the legwarmers might be knitting up too big--like, way too big. Tried them out on her over the weekend and the only way they will ever fit is if she suddenly develops gout. She tried to convince me that they were great while staggering around the room stiff-legged in order to keep them from falling off. Had to pull the whole thing apart and start over.

Highlight: Ran into Mormon Child Bride (with bonus guest Spouseman) at my library yesterday. It was our first IRL meeting, and there was much squealing and giggling and making of plans to get together to eat foods and braid each other's hair. Yay!

Lowlight: Dealing with the drunken man who wanted to get on the public phone every 10 minutes to bawl drunkenly (read: loudly) about how his mom was the most awesome woman who ever lived and he doesn't understand why we're treating him this way. (We were telling him he had to leave because we were closed.)

Lowlight: Dealing with the part where pretty much all children everywhere have somehow ingested crack-water over the weekend and now are all pinging off the walls. (Note: I did not say peeing off the walls. Yet. We'll see what today brings.)


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