This weekend was the big Lavender Days festival in Mona. It was fun, but I think $7 is a bit steep. Especially since they make you pay $2 more to have a tea party with the Lavender Fairy. Cheek.
Also it was exactly 100 degrees out so we couldn't stay too long as our shoes were melting off our feet and we were all about to die from the combined heat stroke and the fact that the air had gone so bad you couldn't even see the nearby mountains. Yuck.
But there was lots to see and do--the kids rode ponies and almost got their hands bitten off in the petting zoo (or perhaps that was just me). We shared a lavender ice cream and I bought a container of fabulous lavender honey.Sunday morning we drove up to Alta ski resort near Salt Lake City to see the wildflowers before church. It was nice and cool and we managed to get above the haze, which was a great, great thing. I had fun in the backseat with the kids even if my seatbelt tried to kill me when I dozed off. (It's the kind that locks up even when you're not being thrown against it, and so when it locks up and pins you in place and you can't twist around to take it off because you're wedged in between two carseats it's not cool.) Savvy and Ethan fed me Wheat Thins and graham crackers, though, which helped to stave off the hysteria.
Jen made us wonderful foods like chicken tikka masala, Thai fried rice w/pineapple, Philly cheese-steaks, and lemon ricotta pancakes with blueberry sauce. I picked loads of plums from the three trees in their front yard and am going to make a plum upside-down cake tonight. Expect pictures.
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