I had a thought a few days ago that is probably going to send me straight to hell.
I'd been chatting with a friend about The Dating Scene, which is pretty much bound to come up any time two or more aged spinsters get together--along with cats, shingles, and the fact that our hot young bodies are going completely to waste. She mentioned that there just don't seem to be enough guys to go around. One example of this is my singles ward, where there are loads of attractive, nice women. There are also quite a lot of attractive, nice guys but it seems that only a small percentage of them are doing The Dating. I'm not sure what the rest of them are up to, but my speculations are not kind.
So I was thinking about this and about The Dating Pool. Unbidden, this rose from the murky depths of my thoughts: "Well, there's the divorce rate. Give it a few years and we'll have some more available guys."
When this registered, I kind of wanted to slap myself. Because what a way to think about things! I remember being horrified by the best-friend character played by Carrie Fisher in When Harry Met Sally. She kept Rolodex of available men and when a guy got married she dog-eared the corner of their card rather than ripping the card out and burning it.
And now I've become her. Perfect.
I blame society. I can feel comfortable blaming society because shortly afterwards I came across another girl who's had the same thought.
Note to my dear married friends: I am not checking out your husbands. Your shoes, possibly. Your KitchenAids, definitely. But not your husbands.
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