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Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Any updates?

This is how Spitfire couches it when she asks us about our life. It has rubbed off on the rest of us.

Since no one has made me shoot fire out my eyes lately, that's all you're going to get. I'm sure it's just a matter of time, though . . .


Went to a pool party on Monday night. The host and most of the invited males stayed upstairs for most of the night while all the young, hot, bathing-suit-wearing girls cavorted in the pool and hot tub alone. This is possibly why the species is going to die out.

Jenny & Co came up today and we played. Met up with Amyjane & Patrick and Desmama and her kiddies. I looked around at one point--we were all sitting on the floor chatting while children swarmed around and launched themselves from lap to lap. Patrick discovered that I was willing to flip him upside down and dangle him by his ankles, which is how I Buy Toddler Love. It felt a bit like we were in a commune where there were no actual mothers but a bunch of interchangeable boob people.

Am leaving Friday morning for the Utah Shakespearean Festival. Huzzah! Must dig out my flower & ribbon wreath to wear with my tavern wench costume.


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