The other day I got my hair cut at a new place. Spitfire recommended it. It's one of those cheapish places that used to be a Fantastic Sam's but was then bought out. The kind where a haircut and style costs $10. But Spitfire says she's gone there several times and has always been happy with what they've done.
So I went and the girl did a great job. I got a cut, style, and highlights for $35. Woot!
BUT, as we were talking, we got around to the subject of managers we've had and frustrating work situations we've been in, and she told me this gem: The owner of the salon does not give them raises. At all. Ever. I asked how that works out with the whole cost of living increase and she says they just don't get anything. The owner says they can feel free to raise their rates once they get a loyal clientèle, but I think that's kind of ridiculous. This isn't a fancy schmancy salon. It's the kind of place people go to because they don't want to spend a lot of money on their hair. If the prices get raised they'll just go someplace else, or they'll ask for a cheaper stylist.
So of course there is a lot of employee turnover at this place. But there is one woman who has been working there for 5 years without a raise. Which basically means that she's earning less now than she was 5 years ago.
I swear it's like there's crack in some people's water.This did get me thinking, though, about an article I read once. The writer said you should start a notebook and keep it throughout your working life. For every job (or every manager) you have, you write down the things that you like about their style and the things you most definitely do not like. That way when you get to be a manager you might actually reap some benefit from all those nights when you raged to your friends/parents/goldfish about how if your boss gives you One More Reason then you will quit in some huge blowout gesture that will most likely involve profanity, gasoline, and matches.
So. I want to start working on my list of Things To Not Do When I'm Running the World. Most of these are possibly but not necessarily absolutely taken from managers I've had in the past. Because I've had lots. And if any of them stumble across this and recognize themselves, well then I think they know what they need to start working on. And they should probably thank me.
The List
When my employees make mistakes, I will reassure them that it's okay and that they're not fired and that they're not even in trouble because it's the kind of thing that could happen to anyone (if indeed that is the case). I will not immediately afterwards blab to everyone else in the office exactly what they did so that I can hold them up as a bad example.
I will not expect my employees to become my surrogate family/friends/children, or to treat each other as such.
I will not cry in front of my employees. Unless I have to because I've just fallen down the stairs or something, because that would really hurt.
I will not inflict my own freakish preferences of desk cleanliness upon people to such an extent that it impedes their ability to work.
I will not come to work if I'm so hopped up on medication that I don't even know what the crap I'm saying or doing.
I will not begrudge people their vacation time, or make judgments about whether or not I feel they're using it on worthwhile things. It's Not. My. Business.
I will not tell racist or sexist jokes in the workplace, and I will bring the smack down on people who do.
I will be willing to stand up for my employees if they complain about a working situation that is truly unacceptable.
When hiring, I will not ask illegal questions about religion, race, family, or family planning. I will not completely disregard single female applicants and instead just hand the job to some guy with 5 kids because "he needs it more."
So. That's just the beginning of my list. Anyone want to help me out here with their own contributions? Make those comments as long as you want. If you're feeling positive, you could also include some items of things your bosses have done that you've really admired or appreciated as well!
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