So this morning while I was in the shower, naked, (see? nudity!) I was thinking about that yearly ritual, even the First Full Shave of the Summer. I'm sure there are ladies who will back me up on this, but I just see no point for me to shave above the knee in the winter. First off, I have better things to do in the morning--like blog and eat peanut butter with a spoon. Secondly, I live in a cold place which brings forth the agony that is shaving goosebumps. Oh my word, the goosebumps.
The 4th of July was the first time I got all swimsuited out for the year when Spitfire invited me over to her pool. I gave myself a bit of extra time for The Shaving, but it seriously felt like I was in the shower slaving away for about 45 minutes. And my legs are about half the length of normal women's! It didn't help that my razor was AWOL and my roommates are not very on-the-ball about switching to fresh blades. Someone should speak to them.
I was telling Jen about this on the phone later and she asked me why I don't just do the Full Shave more frequently during the winter because then it wouldn't take so long. At which point I had some sort of hormonal blowout about how there's absolutely no point because no one is going to be seeing them or touching them because I am a dried-up virgin spinster and thanks for rubbing it in! She wisely decided that it was time to go, since the yeti was clearly getting fractious.
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