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Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Wherein I had my first deep-fried Snickers bar

Had a grand time at the Utah State Fair yesterday. I went down with Spitfire and her bf-who-does-not-yet-have-a-blog-name, and we met up with Jen & Co. Cicada and Murray also joined us.

Savvy is a real chicken, but she felt safe petting the goats, I think. She made sure to pick as her petting targets the big ones who were lying on their sides, not looking at her, and preferably asleep or unconscious.

Cicada was a big hit with the goats, who all wanted to snuggle up to her and love her the most and go home with her. I dubbed her Goat Whisperer.

And really, those goats were pretty much the cutest things ever. They're supposed to make great pets and you can let them graze in the back yard and they'll keep your lawn cut for you. And they probably don't produce any more poop than an outside dog does. So yeah, I'm all for goats. Especially this one:

Seriously, I could not even take how precious this sleepy little guy was. At the same time I was fretting about where his mama is and why is he not eating? BABIES NEED TO EAT!!!

Also, I found my heart's desire, even the deep-fried Snickers bar. For only $4, the dream could be mine. I was surprised to see that a prepared bar looked a lot like a corn dog--a corn dog of sin, that is. The batter tasted a lot like a churro and the finished product was rolled into cinnamon sugar. So yeah, it was delicious in an "I can't believe how low we've sunk as a people, and maybe we just deserve to get Type II diabetes and die and leave the inheritance of the earth to the sensible creatures" kind of way. Good times, though.


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