So this morning I dragged myself to work a whole two hours early (before you start getting out your violins, I normally don't go in until 10am) so that I could do an online training session for the filling in of the state's annual statistical library report thingies.
When the moderator and I got online we realized that I was the only one who'd shown up for this two-hour training. Crossing fingers, I said that I'd really only brought a couple of questions so I didn't know how helpful it would be for me to receive the entire presentation. And he, bless him, said we could just go ahead and do my questions and call it good.
Now, this is a guy who takes his job and these reports seriously, and yet he had the goodness to not make me sit through the entire thing unnecessarily. Some people would make you do that. They would be all, "I made a PowerPoint presentation and so you are going to sit there and like it and I just might even extend the training to get back at you for thinking that every word which drops from my lips is not made up of diamonds and sapphires and the healing tears of the unicorn."
I'm off for the Utah State Fair this afternoon, where I will cavort and gambol with my sisters and the Precii. I think I'll avoid the rides, since one of my Fair Goals is to find me a deep-fried Snickers bar and ingest it. Possibly with whipped cream and chocolate sauce on top. I hope someone there does that. Go watch the commercials, they're hilarious.
Since we're all here anyway, does anyone want to share their favorite fair foods/rides/traditions? Or any great funnel cakes + teacups = rainbow vomit stories?
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