Sorry you had to wait so long for this post. And sorry that most of the male readership won't consider the wait worth it. But oh well. I have estrogen. Deal with it.
For those of my friends who have not discovered James McAvoy (pronounced MAC-uh-voy), it's time you get on that.
I first noticed him in Chronicles of Narnia, wherein I couldn't help taking more than a passing notice of Mr. Tumnus. Which worried me a little bit, and made me wonder if it's right to be attracted to a goat. Only come on! He was sweet and brave and cute and he believes in a Free Narnia, people!And then he started cropping up in all kinds of places, it seemed. He played Paul Bettany's skeezy younger brother in Wimbledon, and was, for me, the hilarious bright spot in an otherwise forgettable movie. So yay, he's funny too! Then I saw him as Joe Macbeth in the BBC's Shakespeare Retold series. (Which, seriously? If you haven't tracked these down then you are no kind of Pretentious English Lit person, and frankly I'm disappointed in you. There's still time, though.) Anyway. Turns out he can do the drama and the tragedy, and that his natural Scottish accent is quite easy on the ears.
I went to see Becoming Jane with some girlfriends over the weekend. McAvoy plays Tom LeFroy, who was (according to this movie, anyway) the love of Jane Austen's life. And seriously? Even though I don't believe hardly anything the movie script says, and even though I didn't think Anne Hathaway was great as Jane, I was still totally crying at the end. I would cry for anyone who doesn't get to marry this guy.Also? If I ever do watch Becoming Jane again, it will only be for him--specifically for the Ballroom Scene. Some of you ladies know what I'm talking about. It was the part where he suddenly appears and all the women on my row Gasped At the Hotness. You had to be there.
And now he's in the new adaptation of Ian McEwan's Atonement, which looks so good that I can't even stand it. Only I just know it's going to be tragic and everyone is probably going to die or be miserable. Haven't read the book yet, so don't spoil it for me! (I picked it up last year and started it, but I was unemployed and stuff and just really was not in the right frame of mind for tragedy. And I still might not be, considering that something as fluffy as Becoming Jane put me into a hormonal tailspin. The moment will come, though.)Anyway. James McAvoy. Am adding him to my list of UK boyfriends. Life would be simpler for me, surely, if I could only fancy more American and Canadian actors. Because we probably would have more of a future together.
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