You remember how all the parents brought their toddlers to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3? (The one where Will Turner makes out with Elizabeth's thigh and then there are the faces that she makes? Yeah. Explain that one to your 6-yr-old.) Those same people brought their little kids to see Les Miserables at the Pioneer Theater on Monday. I really don't know what these people are thinking of. First off, that thing is long. Like forever long. It ended at 11pm on a school night. Second off, there are the prostitutes and the swearing and the raunchy innuendo. And it's also maybe kind of boring for the kiddies who can't follow along unless their dad whispers (loudly) the plot as it goes.
I realize that parents are the ones who decide what their kids are mature enough to handle (or too young to notice), but come on. If you don't know yet what's going to be in a play or movie then why would you bring your young kids for a blind viewing and just assume it's going to be fine? If you're the one who really wants to watch the movie, then get a sitter. Don't drag the whole gang along and call it Family Togetherness Time. I've decided that's stupid. And so are they.
The other thing I've decided is that it is Not. Even. Cool. to turn up at someone's place of work when you want to flirt and/or ask them out. It just isn't. It's especially not cool to turn up at my place of work. Because it's not like I have an office where I can entertain (or hide from) gentleman callers. Also, it's just not fair. It's not fair for someone to turn up and monopolize my time just because they know where and when I work and because I'm an open target there at my desk. It's not fair, either, to put me in a position where other people (like, say, my boss, and the people I supervise) can notice and overhear what's going on and then speculate about my dating life, which I actually prefer not to discuss at work. Also, what if I wanted to turn the date down? How can I do that with sensitivity and tact when a) I've been caught on the spot, b) everyone can hear exactly what I say, and c) I have no desire to reject someone in a public setting where it might be embarrassing for them. (Not that the person in question seemed to take any thought as to what might be embarrassing for me.)
(Note: My real friends are always welcome to come see me. I will totally brush off work for them! Unless I'm in the middle of an actual real thing and can't. Which sometimes happens. And if Ioan Gruffudd wants to turn up then I will brush off actual real things. Because a girl has to have priorities.)
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