I knew this already because my Finnish friend Galileo is the coolest. He never mentioned that his country produced this video, though! My sweet brother coolboy sent it to me last year and today I share it with you as a Thursday present.
I think my favorite part, though, is that after he sent it coolboy sent me this remake done by "some college students." I watched it for about 15 seconds and said, "Uh . . . those aren't 'some college students.' Those are Mormons. I'm betting BYU students."
I couldn't initially put my finger on how I knew that, but I just did. Instantly. Then I realized that everyone just looked so rosy-cheeked and wholesome and Caucasian, and the girls all had sleeves and were wearing their Shade shirts. Then I noticed the piano in the background and the LDS hymnbook sitting on it.
That's right. I'm good.
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