The Inner Party welcomes Comrade Ling to the Party! Now you are no longer one of those filthy animals that we buy razors from on the black market - you are now a comrade, an ally, a competitor, a prey. Your future has suddenly become very predictable: You either climb or fall, betray or get betrayed, prosper or die. Wear your blue overalls with pride. Hopefully it will not be stained with blood in the sterile cellars of the Ministry of Love to soon. So, have a glass of your new beverage Victory Gin and enjoy your new life as a human being! Welcome, Comrade! We are the dead.
All I can say is I am inwardly grateful for the love of Big Brother and Ingsoc, of which both knows no boundary.
All Hail BB! Vic to Ingsoc! Death to Goldstein! Death to Eurasia and Eastasia!
And, I find so much meaning in Ingsoc Officer's signature - The more the Party becomes, the less tolerant it will be; the weaker the opposition, the tighter the depotism. Especially for The Authoritarian State of Singapore.
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