Which is what my rude sister is calling it.
Others know it as the annual Utah Library Association conference. It's being held at the Provo Marriott--this year with coffee! As soon as I saw the Devil's Brew sitting there on the tables I sat down and wrote a Shocked and Appalled letter. I'm sure there are templates online somewhere that I could download, along with "Vote for Mitt Romney" chain emails and "How to Have Your Own Harry Potter Bookburning Party" tips.
I've met some fun people despite my not having business cards. Next time, though, I'll be ready! I went to a two-hour long session on graphic novels & manga, except that it turned into one of those things where the speaker went down her "recommended list" and discussed every single book. That's why they needed 2 hours. I should have left at half-time with my booklists and gone to something else. Then I went to another one where people from the Provo Library discussed their summer reading program for teens, which they've only been doing for a few years. They talked about what has worked and what hasn't and what they've been learning. It was really helpful (maybe too late for this summer, but next year is going to kick). During their presentation a middle-aged man (I assume he's an academic librarian at BYU or UVSC something) spoke up:
MAMA: Now, I live in Provo and I have two teenaged girls. This seems like something that they'd really be interested in, but I've never heard anything about it. I didn't even know you offered a program like this. So you really need to work on your advertising.
Provo Library Staff: Well, we didn't really have a huge budget for that. We did put information up on our website . . . and big posters throughout the library . . . and handed out bookmarks . . . and included information on the City newsletter.
MAMA: But what I think would have been good is if you'd sent out flyers. Like to my home. Like if you'd sent out a mailing about it to all your card-holders.
Which is when I almost sustained ocular damage from my Massive Eye Roll. I mean, why didn't they just come to his house and knock on his door and tell him all about it, huh?
PLS: That's a great idea, but that would have actually been quite expensive and we really didn't have the budget for that. Plus, the people we were trying to reach those first couple of years were the teens who were already in the library and using it.
I leaned over to my neighbor and whispered, "Translation: if he or his daughters had ever actually stepped foot in the library they would have known about it."
Some people's children.
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