Warning: I am completely completely behind on my coursework and studying because I've been running off to things like English seaside towns, and now I have to buckle down. So if you don't hear anything from me for the next little bit, please know that
- I still love you
- I would much rather be blogging
- I'm not actually having any fun
But it was sunny and beautiful and I got some great pictures and WR and I shared a fabulous chocolate sponge thingy with hot custard during lunch. Also I got a kick out of the part where the sweet people who own the restaurant liked to tos's apostrophe's into all word's that ended in -s.
A-like so:

I was reminded that it's possible to get a sunburn even when you're freezing, as those crazy people known as skiers can surely attest. WR found that out too when his forehead got all burned. During lunch Goldy passed over the leftover sunblock from Gran Canaria for him and he just handed the tube to me as if to say, "You're up." As the lotion touched his face he kept flinching and going, "Gah! It's so cold!" and scrunching his face all up as if I were murdering him. I said to just wipe it in like moisturizer.

WR: See, you forget, I'm a guy, so I don't use moisturizer.
Me: Some guys do moisturize, though.
WR: Okay, [Guy Friend #1], we're talking about moisturizer. Do you moisturize?
Guy Friend #1: Yeah, I do.
WR: What, are you serious?
Guy Friend #1: Yeah, I use an aloe-vera based gel after I shave.
WR: Well . . . okay then, maybe you're like the exception. Hey [Finnish Friend] (who was sitting at the other table), do you moisturize?
Finnish Friend: Yes. I have always used moisturizer because it keeps my skin from having spots.
Poor WR looked all ganged-up on and unsure of this strange new world where men are encouraged to put hydrating creams all over their faces. But moisturizer or no, he's a cutie. And now that I've used the word moisturizer so many times, it's looking very strange on the screen to me and I'm not even sure what it means anymore.
Also, I went in my first British amusement park arcade-type thing, where you have to be 18 to go in without a parent. There were all these little blond children running around while their parents gambled and played video games and pushed strollers around and led dogs on leashes. It was dark and loud and seedy-looking, and I'm not sure what the fascination is there, especially since we were having one of the 32 sunny days of the year.
And now I bid you all a fond farewell as I retreat into Coursework Hibernation.
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