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Wednesday, 2 July 2008

I swear it's like people have a death wish

Here's the thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but brides are known for being notoriously stressed-out, bad-tempered, emotional, self-centered, and generally within an inch of emotional collapse. We all know this. I think I'm actually doing pretty well on that front, even though there have been a few stressful moments. What I'm curious about is why people would deliberately say things to a bride that have a very high likelihood of setting her off. I'm not talking about little things like, "I'm sorry, this person was here first" or "I'm afraid we don't have that in stock" or "Hey, take a look in the sky, see that bright yellow object? The earth actually revolves around that, chica. Not so much you."

I'm talking about things like, "Oh right, I didn't mention it earlier but there is an additional $750 fee for your luncheon room." Or, "Oh, since you didn't hit the "1-hour processing" button (not that I told you you needed to) your 460 engagement pictures are going to be the wrong size. And there's nothing we can do about it."

These both happened yesterday.

And then they wait, people. They wait and just stand there looking at me as I try to keep my @#$% together. And then, after the waiting where they watch my hair turn silver and my right eye pop out of its socket and roll across the dirty concrete floor, they qualify those statements with words like, "That's the standard fee for the room, but you won't be paying that much. Based on the amount of food you're ordering, and if you're willing to work with me on a few furniture things, we should be able to get it down to nothing." Or, "But you can just re-order your prints, and you won't have to pay for the bad ones."

Seriously, people. If there's a solution, you need to be hauling it out right on the heels of the bad news. As if there are doctors out there who tell their patients "Sorry, you have cancer" and then wait until the next appointment to bring up the quite effective treatment options. I was actually making a call to sic my Dad on the $750 guy. And believe you me. No one wants that.


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