So there are some people out there who bemoan the fact that my blog has now become boring and wedding-centric (hi, Ed!). He's worried that this isn't what people signed on for--they signed on for rants, terrible dating stories, and talk of drying ovaries. So it's lame that they have to read this stuff now instead. And I'm going to lose readers.
To those who feel that way: I completely understand and sympathize. Feel free to take a break. It won't hurt my feelings. When you come back in a month or two I'll be writing exclusively about the wild sex and being seriously, so blessed.
For those who are planning to stick around, here are my pieces of good news:
1. GF and I found an apartment. It's 15 minutes from his work and has a duck pond and a kitchen island. So, pretty much all you need to be blissfully happy. I didn't expect to have a kitchen island until I was at least 40. Go me, being all kitchenally advanced! Now I just need to buy some patio furniture so I can rock on the balcony and shake my cane at the neighborhood children. Also some chains for the bedroom.2. I'm flying to Alaska tomorrow night for a quick visit. Coolboy gets home from the Dominican Republic TODAY, and my brother Dave is home for a brief R&R from Afghanistan. He and my s-in-law are getting sealed in the Anchorage Temple on Saturday. The other highlight of Saturday will be our lunch here. And then it's possible that I'll be dragged off to the wilderness for two days of dip netting. Or at least two days of watching dip netting while I read and nap in the Suburban, fight the urge to don fleece, and keep an eye out for grizzlies.
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