Yesterday I took Savannah for a girl's afternoon out. We went to the library, ran errands, and then got ice cream at the Creamery on 9th. She picked green ice cream. Lucky for me, she was not in her Kill Everyone with Her Mind Powers and then Cry and Moan Because they Didn't Die the Exact Right Way She Wanted mood. She was in a good mood, the kind where she walks around saying things like "Thank you so much" and "Your shoes are very beautiful."
I caught the girl in the background with the laptop smiling/chuckling a few times, like when Savannah gave out her trademarked banshee shriek, and when she started monitoring the soda fountain in order to inform me that pretty much everyone but her was allowed to get soda. "Look! She's getting soda too!" I told her that was because Savannah is smarter and makes good choices and will likely keep all her teeth. Also the girl chuckled when Savannah got ice cream on my blue Banana Republic cardigan, which I did not find quite as funny as she did.
All in all, it was a good time and I'm still the favorite. Which is what it's all about, really.
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