Sometimes I wish I had kids, so then I could just post pictures of them when I don't know what to blog about. And people would just be awed by their beauty and that could be it. Of course, if I had kids then I wouldn't have the time or sanity to post regularly. Also there would be the religious and medical questions that would surely accompany a Virgin Birth. So yeah, that's probably not my answer.
At some point I'm sure I'll write a post about things I'm grateful for, but right now I'd rather talk about things I want.
I want this CD.The music on it sounds absolutely beautiful, and I've loved "Song for a Winter's Night" for years. The cover makes me wonder when Sarah McLachlan decided to start dressing like Marilyn Monroe, and why she chose winter to start baring the skin, but whatever. Want it.
I want sushi. Lots of it. I want to eat sushi until I start growing gills. I especially want the fattening kind of sushi rolls that have been tempura-dipped and have cream cheese inside. Lucky for me, Cicada is going to come feast with me this weekend.
I want Ioan Gruffudd. As always. So handsome. Sigh . . .
I want feet that don't hurt. I don't know what the deal is, but I'm getting these awful things on my feet that are probably corns or something gross like that. It's getting to the point where none of my shoes are comfortable. Problem is, I won't have health insurance for at least another month. I bet I would be more motivated to exercise if my friggin' feet didn't hurt. So yeah. They're making me fat, too. Stupid feet.(note: not my feet. I only have two, even if they are gross looking. And one of mine is a left foot.)
I want health insurance. And dental insurance. Because I now have funky toes which are causing obesity, a wart on my arm, and teeth that are about to fall out. Sounds hot, non? Like Ioan's going to pick me when I'm like this. It's times like these when I can get behind the socialized health care system.
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