1. Yourself: Nihilistic
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: Waiting.
3. Your hair: Messy
4. Your mother: Over-concerned
5. Your Father: Average
6. Your Favorite Item: Albums
7. Your dream last night: (A sense of) Familiarity.
8. Your Favorite drink: Coka Cola
9. Your Dream Car: Hearse
10. The room you are in: Living hall
11. Your Ex: Unreachable
12. Your fear: Failure
13. What you want to be in 10 years? Geneticist
14. Who you hung out with last night? Flourishers!
15. What You're Not? Normal.
16. Muffins: Chocolate-flavoured.
17. One of Your Wish List Items: JERRY NUGGETS
18. Time: 8.18pm
19. The Last Thing You Did: Kryptonite
20. What You Are Wearing: Clothes?
21. Your Favorite Weather: Shady
22. Your Favorite Book: Dune
23. The Last Thing You Ate: Nasi-Lamka
24. Your Life: Non-existent
25. Your Mood: Void
26. What are you thinking about right now? Cold drinks
27. Your car: SBS
28. What are you doing at the moment? Falkenbach-listening
29. Your summer: Flourishing
30. Your relationship status: (Signed a pact with) Satan
31. What is on your TV? Black-screen
32. What is the weather like? Cool
33. When is the last time you laughed? Yesternoon.
Passing this baton of no-lifeness to Ren Hui, Valley of The Kings, Jaspas!
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