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Friday, 10 March 2006

Because I need to finish a paper and my brain is gone

Today is the day of random news and tidbits, since I can't get it together enough to write something real.

1. On Sunday WR's family invited us over for the traditional English Sunday Dinner (roast chicken, potatoes, yorkshire pudding, lots and lots of vegetables, brown gravy all over everything). I'm not used to putting brown gravy on vegetables-that-are-not-potatoes, so I usually keep my broccoli and peas and carrots and cabbage clean. Only then people get concerned that I don't have enough gravy. But I say WR has enough for the both of us, and possibly enough for three or four other really hungry people. Anyway, the meal was great and I was beyond full afterwards. During the cleanup I noticed WR sipping from a mug and asked what he had in it, since it seemed a strange time to all of a sudden be sipping hot chocolate. He grinned and showed me the mug, which had brown gravy in it.

2. A couple of weeks ago I was telling my Dad that I'd been having a rough time with school stress and the lack of sunshine and what people swear has been an unusually bleak English winter and a whole load of other things that seemed to be just sucking my very will to live, and he said, "You know what this is, right? You need to go to Hawaii." And I realized that he was so, so very right. This is exactly the time of year when all the Alaskans get ready for their Hawaiian vacations, because if they have to live through one more cold dark rubbish day they're just going to go outside and throw themselves under a moving snowplow. Just the thought of Hawaii made my black shriveled soul begin to heal. Only it's a little bit out of the way for me, so I'm planning a 7-day trip to the Canary Islands instead. I will go there and I will lie on the beach and I will feel peace and rejuvenation. And UV rays.

3. WR is going to watch Pride and Prejudice (the real one with Colin Firth) with me on Sunday. I'm so excited because I haven't seen it in ages. I told him last night, after we'd decided to get together Sunday afternoon. That way he couldn't pretend to be busy in order to get out of it, which he immediately tried to do. "I think I might have something on that afternoon, actually. I think I'm quite busy." Only I'm pretty sure he was just kidding, and that he has wanted to watch the film for months and months now but just wasn't sure how to bring it up. He's bashful like that. But there will be sausage rolls. And maybe I'll make a pitcher of brown gravy with a straw in it. That should keep him happy.


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