I'm sure my parents will be very relieved to read this, because I get the feeling that they may possibly have been slightly concerned. I think what tipped me off was the part where every email to me contained a p.s.:
"p.s. Hey, so you're still going to classes, right? Ho ho ho!"
"p.s. So . . . are you giving yourself time to, you know, study amidst all this socializing?"
"p.s. You're not going to flunk out of school, are you? Because that's why you're there, you know."
But now everyone can rest easy, because I've now received two pieces of coursework back and I'm officially [my university's] daddy. Or at least I'm not flunking out yet.
The grading scale is different here, so I had to ask my British classmates to remind me how it worked before I opened the envelope with my library weblogs essay in it. They said that anything above a 50 is passing, and anything above a 70 is "with distinction." And WR says that an 80 or up means that you are an official genius person.
So I opened my envelope and I got a 72.
And it's a good thing I asked them to clarify the grading scale, because if I'd gotten a 72 on something back home I probably would have thrown myself off a building and tried to aim for some schmoopy PDA couple on the way down. As it was, I started doing the Happy Dance, but just inside my head since there were other people around. And then some other people started saying what they got and my score was like 3 points higher! And we all know that if you're doing better than other people then that's the real measure of success!!
Of course, then I started worrying that it was all a fluke and that I would flunk my next piece of coursework and then they would ask me to please leave, but today I got back my literature review/essay about "Women as Readers" for my Gender & Information class, and I got a 71!
Maybe they'd be willing to just waive the dissertation in the light of my obvious brilliance. I'm sure they're discussing it now, while they plan the parade and everything.
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