I won't actually be celebrating Thanksgiving today, sadly. Here's what I have planned:
1. Homework
2. Some more homework
3. Planning a lesson for Sunday School
4. Going in to speak to my prof about the xhtml test only to be told that I actually should have received a lower score than the one I did. Oh, wait, I already did that! He was quite nice about it, though. We agreed to let the "high" score stand, which was big of me. And he agreed that my redone pages look quite good and would have earned me a very nice grade if I'd come up with them in the first place. Sigh . . .
5. Heating up a jar of Tesco curry and a mug of Free Trade hot chocolate for dinner.
6. Sniffling to Josh Groban's Closer, because I am a complete sap. Wait, I think I may be doing that now.
Lest anyone feel too sorry for me, though, I did get a Thanksgiving meal last week. I have pictures and everything!
Mashed potatoes
Balls of what appear to be crubbish but are actually English stuffing (so, you know, you weren't far off)
These roasted potato guys that come frozen in a bag, which I kind of love madly
Broccoli & cauliflower
Stovetop stuffing smuggled into the country by a friend's dad, which tasted like heaven
Schloer, which is the UK equivalent of Martinelli's, only I'm still getting used to the taste
Not shown:
2 roasted chickens
8 quarts of gravy
2 muffin tins of the best Yorkshire puddings I've ever had
3 apple pies & vanilla ice cream, provided by yours truly and the good people at Iceland
Chocolate-chip pumpkin cookies, because it turns out that there is a store in the UK that sells jars of Libby's. I will be going there soon.
Chocolate cake
5 Americans (3 students, 2 missionaries)
Shedloads of Brits
We even went around the room and said 1 thing we were thankful for, which was very nice.
I won't subject you to my whole list right now or anything, since I know too well what vomit does to a keyboard. But I want to say that I am very grateful for my dear friends who stay in touch with me through this blog and emails and phone calls and put up with my rantings. I'm grateful as well for those who have become my friends through blogging, which has been a wonderful surprise. It has really helped a lot as I've tried to find my footing over here in a new place.
Happy Happy Happy Thanksgiving! Please eat a piece of pumpkin pie and take a nap in my honor!
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