So the other day Savvymom sent me a picture of baby Savannah, who after 20 months of life now finally has enough hair to be gathered and put into girly things like pigtails. This day probably could have come sooner, but if anyone tried to put anything in Savvybabe's hair she began bellowing in the manner of a moose calf while shaking her head violently and rubbing her fists through her hair as if trying to shake out a nestful of spiders carrying egg sacs.
And now look how precious!!!
(Picture by Savvydad!)
When I got this pic my heart nearly burst right out of my chest, because it's like seeing extra cute when I didn't even think she could get cuter. So I ran around with my laptop, showing everyone at my house the pretty pretty pictures. To their credit, my sweet friends all reacted appropriately, with the ooing and ahhing. Some talked about the baby, others mentioned the great photography.
But then this happened:
Guy 1: You know, she looks like of like [So and so's] kids did when they were young. Doesn't she remind you of them?
Guy 2: Yeah, I can see the resemblance to those kids.
Me: Um, no she doesn't. I have no idea who you're talking about, but she looks just like me, not like some random kids off the street.
And also we don't discuss other children whilst looking at pictures of The Precious. The exception would be if the discussion were along the lines of, "Yes, I saw this one other child, but that child was not as pretty as your niece. Poor thing." But it turns out that they just meant that [So-and-so's] kids had white-blond hair when they were little, like Savvybaby does.
I can accept that.
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