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Friday, 6 August 2010

Decisions, decisions

My apologies to anyone who saw a rather odd post consisting of only two pictures in their readers yesterday. I was trying to begin this post and somehow got a little crazy with the Enter key. And then suddenly I had a published post. Woops!

What I was going to say was that I'm trying to decide which baby items to attempt over the next few months. Feel free to weigh in, if you like.

Elijah by Ysolda Teague

I started this little guy a while ago because when I saw that picture my uterus may have possibly just BAM, created a twin right then, it was just that cute. I'm almost done--he only has one arm and two ears to go, and yet I'm so very over it. Am telling myself that I must finish him before I can start anything else. (And here's the part where I see the evil feather-haired Cobra Kai sensei from Karate Kid in my head: "Finish him! FINISH HIM!!!")

shiver . . . that is one cold dude.

Baby Mittens by Kaitlyn Wong

I'm thinking these mittens could be a quick way to use the leftover yarn from the newborn hat. Plus, hi, so tiny an' cute! I'd also like to make a sweater, and I'm trying to narrow it down between this one:

Ribbed Baby Jacket by Debbie Bliss
(image by lotusutol)

and this one:

Child's Placket-Neck Pullover by Joelle Hoverson
(image by Elliphantom)

And then this is really only on the list because the picture made me squeal:

Owlie Sleep Sack by Teresa Cole

(image from Tamara)

It seems there's a debate about how safe these things are for babies to actually sleep in, so the question is whether I'd really be spending all that time to create what could ultimately just be a photo prop. An AWESOME photo prop.

These, though, these are definitely happening:

Legwarmies by Alana Dakos

I have some self-striping sock yarn in shades of blue and brown that is destined to go on some chubby baby thighs. (This is, of course, assuming that the babies I make include some chub and are not instead tiny hollow-boned creatures like Savvy & Co. Although really, if that's the case they probably need the extra warmth.)
Any faves?


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