It's set to be a good Thanksgiving, I think.
As my sister Jen announced, my Ridiculously Talented B-in-Law Ed just got his first official job since launching hisself as a commercial photographer. He'll be doing a series of shoots for Norton Antivirus for their 2008 print campaign, and I'm sure they're going to be amazing. We've all been praying really, really hard that he'll get hired soon so that they can stop being poor people. I've been praying extra hard because Jen promised me that once they're filthy rich she'll be able to do things like take me to London for my birthday. (Hey, my prayers don't come cheap. You gotta earn 'em.)
So yeah. There's a big, big thing to be thankful for. The rest of the holiday could suck bricks and I don't think any of us will care.
Am very excited for this year's food lineup. Jen is handling the turkey, the veggies, the brie, and some other stuff. Spitfire and I are bringing Pioneer Woman's mashed potatoes (made with cream cheese, for the love of all that is holy and right), and her sweet potatoes (blended with butter, milk, and Fresh Hot Sin). I'm also doing Martha Stewart's classic stuffing and a pumpkin pie made with fresh pumpkin.
That's right. If anyone wants to put a tiara on my head right now that would be just fine.
I slaughtered one of my Halloween pumpkins last week, a task which turned out to be much more time-consuming that I thought it would be. This probably is to do with the lack of proper slaughtering implements in my home. (Note to burglars and would-be killers: Bring your own knives.) I'm not kidding, though. A kid's pumpkin-carving kit probably would have gotten the job done better and faster. But at the end of it I had my very own gorgeous pumpkin puree.Isn't it beautiful? It looked just like mango. Sadly, it did not taste like it, which would have been a Thanksgiving Miracle. It's so pretty that it makes the canned stuff look a bit like this:
And now I'm off to go enjoy the day with my lovely sisters. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
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