I know I'm slacking, I promise next week will be better. Running the world is hard, y'all. Also I apologize that you had to look at my sick green face on Halloween. It looked even worse close up and I had to sacrifice a Sonia Kashuk foundation brush to get it looking that way. (While at my bathroom mirror I lost all sense of perspective and forgot that "better" is not always the same as "good.")
Anyway. Lucky for me I didn't worry too much about the face (and neck, and upper chest, and pores shrieking in agony while planning a high-stakes revolt) because I was busier worrying about the fact my hair was still damp when I crammed it underneath that wig and it was probably mildewing and was going to fall right off any second.
Good times.
So here is my guilty Friday pleasure--the trailer for Wanted, which is almost sure to be one craptastic movie. And yet I cannot look away because hi, we're talking James McAvoy (whom I am currently dating), Angelina Jolie in Mr. & Mrs. Smith mode, and Morgan Freeman. I think they possibly just got him so that he could narrate the trailer and give an ounce of plausibility to this whole thing. But whatever. You should watch it and laugh at your desk like I'm doing right now.
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