Because the bad news is that my alarm woke me up this morning just as I got started making out with McDreamy. So I smashed my alarm to pieces with a hammer and then lit those pieces on fire, because you JUST DON'T DO THAT. I don't think I overreacted at all, do you?
The good news is that I'm going to Washington D.C. next month! The library is sending me to the Computers in Libraries 2007 conference. I'll be gone April 14-19. I get there right after the Cherry Blossom Parade. I hope there will still be some pretty pinkness left over, because I do love me some cherry blossoms.(And I hope the photographer will forgive me for using his picture without permission but it was by far the nicest. Someone please go buy his stuff so he won't get mad or sue me.)
The conference should be pretty cool. It's timely, too, since we need to get a new automated system sooner rather than later and I'll be able to check out what's what. Also it would be really nice if we could upgrade from Office '97. Little things like that.
In reality, I'll probably just get overloaded with ideas of millions of cool things my library is too tiny/understaffed/rural/poor to be able to do. But hey! Free trip to D.C.! I get all AP U.S. History geekish about the kind of stuff. I haven't been in about 10 years--is there anything new or cool that I should check out?
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