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I find unlimited inspiration and empowerment from this. Jon's inspiration in me knows no boundary. Awake in chaos, Jon!
me: I'm worried about my blog.
My stats are going down.
Jenny: I'm sorry.
me: Am I not being funny?
Jenny: I think you are funny. Maybe you should start posting nude photos.
me: Ooooh, good idea.
Jenny: What do you eat at Costa Vida?
me: I've only had their salads. I mean, do people like it better when I'm bitter or something?
Jenny: I guess so. Which isn't good. Bitter is bad.
What does [Spitfire] order?
me: Tiny things.
Jenny: ;) I'd like a half a quesadilla please . . .
me: :-)
me: Maybe it is that I'm not bitter and angsty and unemployed.
Jenny: I bet it is.
me: Because people read my blog when I was home in AK more than they ever did before--I was sure everyone would stop.
Jenny: I always get the most comments when I bemoan life. Remember when I was pregnant and I would bash my in-laws? I was a roaring success. Now, not so much.
me: Hmmm. Must think about this. Only, I'm not angry or miserable, and I don't want to be looking for things to get upset about.
Jenny: I know. So I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you could tell stories.
me: If only people would insult me more . . .
Me: I'm trying to have a good attitude and not let this get to me.
Mom: Let what get to you?
Me: Um, the whole "my younger sister is getting married before me and I just broke up with the guy I thought I was going to marry and now I'm going to die alone and pitied" thing. I'm trying to not let that bother me.
Mom: Tsk. Well your father and I never thought that you were going to get married first. So that's just silly.
Me: Wow. Thanks for that.
Mom: That's not what I mean! I mean that we never thought there was some predetermined order for who was going to get married first.
Me: Well, I did though, because I'm used to always being first. So this is different for me.
Mom: Now that you mention it, wasn't there some kind of Church commercial about this? I think I saw one once.
Me: Yes, exactly! There was a commercial about it because it's a real thing!
Mom (dismissively) : You know, I think people in Utah just look for things to get worked up over.
Me: [inarticulate choking sounds]
2. Replace one beef meal each week
Hah. I don't even remember the last time I bought beef. Beef costs money. I only eat beef when I suddenly need a cheeseburger so badly that it causes me to black out. Like last night when I dreamed I was eating cheeseburgers. Or when I go to my parents' house. They are beefeaters there.
3. Shift your shrimp consumption
Turns out that shrimp-farming practices harm the rest of the marine wildlife. This is too bad, because I do love me some shrimp. But since the shrimp meals are always the more expensive ones on the menu I don't end up eating it very often.
Where do I sign up? I hate junk mail.
5. Replace four standard light bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights
Hah! I just did 6! I rule. Last week I replaced our most-used lights with the new bulbs. This means that now my roommates are allowed to use the light fixtures instead of building coal fires and lighting candles. They are grateful for this. As well they should be.
I also took out a few extra light bulbs that we don't really need. I mean, seriously. Does anyone like being blinded by 4 light bulbs in the bathroom when they stagger in there in the middle of the night? No. It's bad enough that my bladder woke me up, I don't need to add pupil spasms to my list of problems.
6. Move the thermostat 3°F
As the piteous wails going up across the land from those who have lived with me will attest, this is not so much a problem.
7. Eliminate lawn and garden pesticides
Since I have absolutely no awareness of my lawn and have no garden, I think we're okay here.
8. Install an efficient showerhead and low flow faucet aerators
Went out and bought this stuff on Saturday. This will be an improvement, I think, as my current showerhead releases this odd circle of water just along the outer rim of it. It's possible to stand completely inside this circle and die of hypothermia while taking a steaming hot shower.
9. Inspire two friends
Is anyone here planning to be inspired? Spitfire says I can count her as one, so that's good.
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid Disorder: | Moderate |
Schizoid Disorder: | Moderate |
Schizotypal Disorder: | High |
Antisocial Disorder: | High |
Borderline Disorder: | Low |
Histrionic Disorder: | High |
Narcissistic Disorder: | High |
Avoidant Disorder: | Very High |
Dependent Disorder: | Moderate |
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: | High |
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! -- -- Personality Disorders -- |
LingNemesis took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test! "Unwilling to participate and wishes to avoid all f..."
(Wait, did she think he was hot or did she agree that she herself was hot?)
But after the first date it was through
He was scared she didn’t care
Being just high school seniors they didn’t dare.
(As Desmama rightly asks, what did they not dare do? Perhaps there is some kind of family feud involved, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. Because that's just epic.)
Years later he went on a mission
All the way to Korea a far away nation
(For the family members who don't know what Korea is.
Not that this is much help, since there is no nation called Korea.
Maybe she should find out where he really spent those two years.)
When he got home she went on one too
Down to San Diego where the ocean is blue
They forgot each other were alive
(Oh. Oh dear. I feel my grammar migraine coming upon me.)
Who knew their love would survive.
(Aaaaand it's here.)
She had finished school a long time ago
He on the other hand was going real slow
(Translation: she'll settle for a dummy now that she's getting all old.
It's cheaper than getting her eggs frozen.)
Then one day they finally met, again
Then marriage wasn’t a question of how, (or why) but when,
They didn’t like each other quite at first
But between them love soon burst.
(Kind of like what just happened to my left retina.)
Now they have the chance to say
That they are happy to announce this special day
To all those far and near
That this happy day is finally here
March the Tenth is the day to remember
In the Logan Temple where marriage is forever.
(I'm glad they went easy with the periods.
If you give every sentence a period then they start acting all entitled.)
Freudian Inventory Results |
Oral (33%) you appear to be stubbornly and irrationally against receiving help even when it might be the more intelligent option. Anal (73%) you appear to be overly self controlled, organized, and possibly subservient to authority, this effectively narrows your exposure to a wider set of options and ideas lowering the odds that you will make the best decisions in life. Phallic (66%) you appear to have issues with controlling your sexual desires and possibly fidelity. Latency (73%) you appear to be afraid or averse to present or future real world responsibilities, this will only make your inevitable transition more difficult, so learn to deal with the real world. Genital (56%) you appear to be somewhere between a progressive/openminded and regressive/closeminded outlook on life. |