Even with Tivo, I swear I have seen the commercials for that new No Strings Attached movie approximately eleventy billion times. And really? I could do without them.
My first awareness that such a film existed was in a theater where I saw one of those life-sized cardboard cutouts of the movie poster.
My response: "Wait, what??? Natalie Portman? And Ashton Kutcher? Are you kidding me? Natalie Portman who gets nominated for acting awards and does ballet and is multilingual and went to Harvard? Natalie Portman is in a stupid sex comedy with Ashton Where's My Car Kutcher??? Ugh. That is so disappointing. I think my brain is leaking out my ears right now."
GH: "Uhhhhh . . . . "
Yeah, he didn't seem to react quite so unfavorably to the poster. Wonder why that is. . . . And now he doesn't get to watch any of the eleventy billion commercials either, because I'm always there, huffing like a water buffalo and fast-forwarding through them.
So, to take my mind off stupid movies who shove their commercials in my face all. the. time, here instead are pictures of a baby so precious that he craps rainbows. (And occasionally some other stuff up to his armpits but we won't get into that here because this is about the cuteness.)(precious monkey hat made by Jeri)
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