At first I thought I was starting to look pregnant, then I realized this was probably just The Week in Which I Really Need to Poop. For Real. I'm Serious.
And then I realized that hey, sometimes it gets to be both! And this week is one of those times. Because you can definitely tell now that something is going on there. (And, probably, also that something else isn't. I am looking at you, bowels.)
I think I can perhaps tell more than other people, though. On account of it now feels like someone is trying to make some room for himself (or herself) down there. All of my organs and muscles and ligaments feels like they're getting elbowed out of the way and smushed into new spots. This does not feel pleasant, I can tell you.
Also, also??? There is the nerve thing. Nobody told me about the nerve thing. But nerves are getting elbowed around too, which result in feelings. Like one time when I was walking at the gym (and yes, it was just the one time, sorry gym) and I suddenly felt a zap of something so strong that I had to look down to be sure that there was not, in fact, an overzealous and deranged police officer lying in wait with a taser. Now that I've brought this symptom up with a few pregnancy graduates, they have made me understand that it's all going to get much, much worse. So, yeah. Looking forward to that.
Am also looking forward, though, to the part where in 3 weeks I will find out what I'm having (crossing fingers for human, of course). GH is excited too, because the day after our appointment is the day he gets to see Sir Paul. Priorities, dontcha know . . .
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