(Upon hearing that Bradley Cooper and Gerard Butler would be presenting an award together.)
Me, perking right the heck up and actually looking up from my knitting: "Ooooh . . . It's like a Man-Candy Sandwich!"
And it was, cuz, behold:
At which point my husband turned to give me a look (read: glare).
Except whatever, dude. Let's see Natalie Portman and Zoey Deschanel come out together sometime to present an award. Then we can talk--after our living room finishes imploding, that is.
I also received looks and head-shakes every time I clapped and squealed "Heeeee, Colin Firth!" Which was pretty much every time the camera looked at him or somebody talked about him. But please do not ask me why they had Julianne "We Hung Out for Three Days That One Time" Moore be the one to talk about him. They should have hauled Jennifer Ehle out there for an impromptu P&P reunion. Then you woulda seen some imploding--and the only surprise of the evening.
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