For those who wanted the update, GH did have his job interview (it was an in-house sort of thing). Although he of course went in with amazing ideas that would have revolutionized the program and the world, there are a few other "in-house" factors we now know about that make his shot seem a bit slimmer. So . . . even though nothing has been announced, I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. Am just telling myself that what the universe (read: all of you lovely people) is really sending our way is a much BETTER job that we just don't know about yet but will blow us away with its amazingness. And then GH will be able to stay home at nights and he won't need a walker for a Christmas present and we will buy a 100+-year-old home in the countryside and we will have precious pygmy goats in the backyard and a couple of chickens and a garden that I somehow don't kill and which grows itself and maybe even a magical pony and we can argue over the covers every blessed night. So thank you for helping to bring that future just a little bit closer, everyone!
And thank you to everyone with the thyroid encouragement. I know from the way I was talking everyone assumed hypothyroid stuff, only check it out: My bloodwork actually showed hyperthyroidism, which led to a conversation like this.
Medical people: These results are interesting because the symptoms you described were more of the hypo variety. So, have you experienced any feelings of nervousness or anxiety?
Me: Nope.
MP: Difficulty sleeping?
Me: Huh-uh.
MP: Fast or irregular heart-beat?
Me: Nnnnnope.
MP: Difficulty keeping weight on, or maybe even losing weight?
Me: BAH-hah-ahhahahah! Yeah . . . not so much.
They're 90% believing that it's something called thyroiditis, which is sort of a "hello, let's play the fun game of watching your thyroid levels go up and down" thing. But I'd take that over Graves' disease, which is the other potential option and does not seem like much fun as it can cause things like miscarriages and actual cobwebbed ovaries. But the nice part is that right now I feel fine so I'm going to go back in in a few weeks and then they'll take more blood and see where things are going. (Note: I have had blood taken twice now for the first time in over 10 years and I'm happy to say that both times I was SUPER BRAVE. Just wanting to get that out there. When things like flu shots and mole removals make you black out, a blood-letting that doesn't involve passing out, whimpering, or running away is a triumph.)
The doc did warn me that I'm likely coming down from the "hyper" part and could soon be showing "hypo" symptoms such as fatigue, etc.
Me: And weight gain?
Dr: Well, I wouldn't really think so. It is possible . . .
Me: It's just that with the holidays coming up and everything, that would be a really awesome thing to be able to pin it on.
Dr: Oh? Yes, that is true. Well, you go right ahead.
Me: Thank you. I believe I will.
Oh, pumpkin pie? Get on over here, lover.
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