When you bring yogurt to work, do not use one of the work spoons from the break room cupboard to eat it.
Because maybe whoever washed that spoon last time did not so much get all the coffee taste off of it. And so when you're eating your yogurt you're wondering why it tastes so very disgusting and coffee-like and if THAT'S the trade-off you make when you choose non-fat yogurt sweetened with fruit juice rather than sugar. Because if so, you're heading right back to Yoplait with their high fructose corn syrup and their artificial colors made from crushed bugs (not even kidding). Only once you take the spoon out and and give an experimental lick at the carton with your tongue you realize that it actually tastes fine. And that you can keeping living the non-sugar, non-bug-guts yogurt dream.
Happy Friday!
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