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Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Now, I get why the Guru-Student connection is so greatly emphasised, it's something like a concert, you have to be there to feel its awe in full instead of half of what is presented in a, say, Youtube video. Haha!
Monday, 29 September 2008
Employment: it's a better way to live
Things I am now looking forward to:
A budget that doesn't make my right eye twitch
Being the boss of stuff again (not to be confused with the King of Town--I'll have to work my way back up to that one)
Job security, unless I suck and get fired. Or if they decide to take that $700 billion out of libraries.
A hair cut and highlights
Hooker boots
Building food storage for when the economy goes belly-up so I don't have to eat my hooker boots
Saving money for a "house" (read: trip to Hawaii)
Only working every other Friday
Only working every other Saturday
No more sleeping in
No more waking up thinking, "Oh man, we're going to starve and die . . ."
Paying taxes
Resuming student loan payments
Serving The Public
Anyway, yay for jobs, though!
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Friday, 26 September 2008
Watching the presidential debates right now
1. Getting outside. It can be hard sometimes to persuade GH that it might be a good idea to not sit in the living room with the blinds drawn and to instead go outside and be children of light.
2. Fall leaves. It's up at Snowbird, which should be gorgeous.
3. Lederhosen. Because that's hot.
4. Bratwurst. Also hot.
5. Celebrating the Land of my Birth. Check me out rockin' some German wear of my own back in the day.

Maybe I'll see some of you there! I'll be the one mauling a bratwurst while avoiding the zany clown. (The website says they have one. I don't do clowns. And to me "zany" means "will be waiting for you in the sewers later".)

Of a makeshit aviary and eugenics-yearnings
There I saw 2 creatures whose locomotion functions purely by the means of their twig-like bipedals and makes illogical deductions using their heads whose resemble the ones of our less intelligent forefathers - Homo Erectus. Not used to the sight of birds in my abode, I look upon their inflitration with slight fascination as they flutter around the service balcony and occasionally defecate upon the floor and *ahem* my family's undergarments.
Trust me, it isn't exactly nice to know your place has recently been converted into an aviary without any prior notice and that your undergarments have been their toilets. My inital fascination was swiftly transformed into a surge of unsurpressable agiation as me and my 2 siblings started hurling random vuglarities at those bowel-troubled creatures and tried to use our hands to do the "clapping loudly" gestures in a bid to intimiate them to their exit. Apparently that method wasn't too well recieved by those flying creatures as one of the duo continually flew towards a closed windowpane and subsequently mashing his/her/its yellow crown onto the hard glass, thus leading up to the thesis that they function based on illogical deductions as stated above. This situation also aptly reminded me of Jean-Paul Sartre's play - No Exit.
Me and my sister started encouraging my brother to do the "Man" thing by chasing the birds out of our dwelling. Inspired by our cheers, he sallied forth into the warzone and opened the windows wide open. Some comic relief of the encounter was when my brother said, "Heck! I am no Steve Irwin!" That made me lol-ed in real life.
Finally, those airbourne organisms figured their way out. And, I do not wish to describe the aftermath of their toilet-trip, for it saddens me to know that 2 lonesome birds could potentially cause some considerable destruction upon three humans' afternoon.
So much for some stupid birds.
Now, onwards to the second installment of this evening's entry. Eugenics-yearnings? Yes. I want to launch a program of eugenics. If there is an external history-maker for Planet Earth right now, I would register with great haste to be elected to be the next Hitler/Stalin/Kim Jung Ill and start the Vierte Reich and propose the Intellect-based-Holocaust. It's either the comments they make or the idea of bumping into people who make those insignificant comments without prior arrangment that causes me to cringe unceasingly. Spare me the agony of letting such content enter into my mindstream.
Your orchestrator of words,
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Galerians: Ash - PS2 | NTSC

Sistema: NTSC
Part01 - Part02 - Part03 - Part04 - Part05 - Part06 - Part07 - Part08
Part09 - Part10 - Part11 - Part12 - Part13 - Part14 - Part15 - Part16
Part17 - Part18 - Part19 - Part20 - Part21 - Part22 - Part23 - Part24
Part25 - Part26 - Part27 - Part28 - Part29 - Part30
Part31 - Part32 - Part33 - Part34 - SFV
The blaming begins.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
What I've been up to
Tarting, thanks to Yankeegirl (who provided the tart pan) and Danalee (who gave me an amazing cook book with this recipe in it). And Lady Steed and Th. who gave me the cake stand. And my local Farmers Market for having so many peaches. It takes a village. And see? I said I'd make tarts.
Knitting, except I can't show you any pics because the intended recipients read this blog. Will start knitting a teddy for GH's Christmas present as soon as the current projects are done. You can expect a picture of THAT one for sure.
Wiing. Only actually did this once. Savvy and Ethan came to visit and spent the first hour spinning each other around in the computer desk chair in an attempt to make someone (anyone) vomit. When they tired of this and began a monkey-shrieking contest, GH stepped in to provide their first exposure to video games in the form of Mario Kart. It makes sense, he wooed me with a Wii back in the day too. Of course their lives are now forever changed and they want to know when they can go back to "GH's house" to play with him. Humph.
Monday, 22 September 2008
I decided to stay married, though.
GH: Please don't ever buy me a tie as a gift. I mean, if you see a tie you want me to wear and you buy it for me, I'll wear it. But I don't want ties for Christmas or my birthday. Or socks. Or anything practical. I only want IMpractical gifts.
(As if the Jack Bauer statuary hadn't tipped me off a little bit there.)
Later that night . . .
Me: So, now that ties and socks are out, what's on your Christmas list?
GH: (laughing) Christmas is forever away, I don't know what I want.
Me: No ideas at all? Isn't there anything you already know you want or need?
GH: Well how can I know what I want for Christmas? The ads aren't even out yet.
And that's when I blinked rapidly and probably made the face that Amyjane says I make for a second when someone has said something I find horrifying or stupid, before I manage to get it together and attempt a (really inadequate) poker face.
Me: Um, are you serious? You have to have the ads TELL you what to want? And then you end up asking for things that you were blissfully unaware of until the advertisers informed you that you need them?
GH: Something like that, I guess.
Me: I love you. But you are everything that is wrong with America and possibly the world.
I relayed this conversation to Jenny and Ed later, because I was still so flabbergasted at the thought that I married a man who willingly buys into The Christmas Machine.
Ed: Wow, he wait for the ads to decide what he wants? I always just go for the practical stuff I already need so I don't have to buy it for myself.
Jenny: Wait. HE DOESN'T HAVE A LIST???????
So yeah, Christmas should be fun times! I think a good way to teach GH about the True Meaning of Simplified Pretentious Hippie Christmas will be to make his gift out of newspaper, hemp, and love.
Does anyone have any good ideas? Or have you been given awful handmade gifts that I could use as a model?
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Friday, 19 September 2008
The babies are dying.
Just wiki-ed melamine, it has 3 NH2 groups! No wonder the fatality it could incur in the infants.
Academia flowery aside, this just proved itself to me that doomsday is nearer than you think, which consoles me in a weird morbid manner. "The quicker, the better!" =D In addition, this also proved to me that the world is heading in the wrong direction with their current diet and ways of approaching things in life. Fancy adding this amine to seemingly make your product appear protein-rich? Folly tactic. Well, this is karma in your face, SanLu. You are fucked. =P
Why do I proclaim that the world's habits are getting ill? Everyone is merely looking for ways to increase their own benefits at the stake and risk of others, ranging from the individual level to the corporate level to the national level. Like my previous post about the Jonas Brothers, we have been consuming trash unceasingly, whether through entertainment quality or foodstuff-wise. What a senseless cycle. Gradually we don't know if we are consuming good healthy food or not. Just look at the latest McDonalds' advertisement tagline for their lunchtime offer - "A good meal doesn't need to cost much." McDonalds can never be good healthwise, my degenerates. There are countless examples everywhere, the list is non-exhaustive.
So what is my point of denouncing the world in such a dejected and otherworldly manner? This whole poison milk brouhaha is sufficient to point out we need a new diet, a diet that relies far less emphasis on heavy industrial treatment, a more natural diet. Even such a simple product like milk could get infected, what could be imagined for more complex ones? I would like to quote Albert Einstein here: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." There, Herr Einstein has put it for us in a very apt way.
Now that I have made my point, I shall fuck off to my pit.
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Yeah, it turns out that I'm a freak
cutting out pictures of yellow suns
setting out craft supplies
twirling scarfs
singing and clapping
playing with puppets
So yeah. Neener, everyone else.
Except here's the thing. While my primary emotion is gratitude that someone is actually paying me to do these things, there is the other part of me that feels perhaps a tiny bit . . . underutilized. I realize that these tasks are what they need someone to do for them, and I'm glad I get to be the someone. I'm certainly not going to point out that this is the kind of stuff I would've given a volunteer to do, just before I made them wash my car for me. Plus I know I'm going to be trained on more librarian-type tasks soon. I hope.
It just feels so odd now to be in a library and not to be in charge, not to be the boss of something or somebody. There are moments where I swear if someone doesn't give me a peon or at least a flunky I may just lose all my skills. Also I will shrivel up and die.
So it looks like until I get myself back into a management position I'll need to get a houseboy or something to boss. Otherwise I'll end up using GH for my ordering-around needs and there's probably only so much of that he'll voluntarily take.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Our State Fair is a Great State Fair
I owe you Fair Fotos (like what I did there? Yeah, those Fetal Foto people wish they were first) and here they are. It was a marvelous time, not only because I learned that my state of residence is home to the kind of people who would order themselves a baby alligator off the Internet to keep as a pet and then, when it becomes big and scary and no zoo or pet store will take it, decide that they have no other option but to release it into the Jordan River. True story. The reptile man told me. Lucky for all the wading children, the guy's roommate called Fish & Game before the intended release.
Anyway. Ph(F)otos.
I still want a goat. Just look at this spotty guy! Much cuter than the (no lie) 850lb pig which was the size of a baby elephant and had a head the size of my rocking chair. I did not get its picture, mostly because I did not want to anger it and cause it to break through the barriers and take me in its jaws.
I did, in fact, get my deep-fried peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich. Along with about every other thing the fair was selling. (Note: The corn on the cob was disgusting. Do not ever buy it. Or, if you must have it, I'm sure I can pull some corn out of the trash, heat it up in the microwave, and douse it with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and feed it to you. And I would only charge you $3 instead of the Fair's $4. What a savings!)
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
It better not relapse again...
Anyway, health scares aside, here is a video of my little hobby which I will have no idea how to explain to my progenies because it is such a pointless hobby and they are going to give me the "Huh? You shuffled cards for 4 years?" look. Regardless of that! Here's it.
Esplanade from Ling Ng on Vimeo.
I know I suck at editing, plus my brother have always been advocating the idea that Sony Vegas is an inferior programme and that I should use Adobe Premier. >_<
And, I have been updating myself with various bands' activities, looks like 2008 is a fruitful year for many album releases are scheduled in 2008. Cradle of Filth, Pain, Satyricon, Rammstein, Immortal... Ling is going to be financially crippled.
Today saw the most pointless outing ever. I went out with a good friend - Valerie to Orchard. We had lunch at Lido, then went to Borders to browse books where I tried to read some stuff by Anias Nins and subsequently fell asleep (we sat down on the floor and read). Then we went to Esplanade because Valerie wanted to burrow some DVDs from the library. After she is done with the selection, we went to the comfortable sofas. The sofa was so comfortable and the air conditioning was so ideal that I went straight to sleep again, second time in the waking hours. O_O
So basically, I went out to have my afternoon nap. Brilliant stuff.
Monday, 15 September 2008
Sunday, 14 September 2008
And I bet you thought I was done terrorizing the small children
I've been offered a temporary part-time library job while I look for a permanent full-time library job. What was so nice about this one is that the people actually approached me to see if I would like some work. How often does that even happen? (Aside from those fliers on telephone poles which offer you the absolutely legitimate chance to make $125K from home, of course.)
So I'll be helping out with some story times and such a few days a week, which will be a nice way to keep my foot in the liberry door while also getting a little bit of income to pay for pedis (a necessity for married girls, I've heard) and little things like, you know, food. I've gotten a few full-time leads but you know how long these things can take. So this will be helpful in the meantime and will keep my skills and talons sharp.
And speaking of claws, watch them come out in this hilarious SNL sketch from the weekend featuring. Doesn't matter which side you're voting for, this is plain awesome and makes me have even more of a naughty girl crush on Tina Fey.
Friday, 12 September 2008
Time flies
I could still remember scouting for this performance video high and low on the net before Youtube was even invented, back in 2003 or 2004. Watching this just transports me back to my secondary school days, such an incredible feeling it is.
By the way, just look at the gait Ville Valo performs, with the burned up cigarette in hand. Still impressive even by my standards today.