I went there with Jenny but I never did include pics. So here you go. And now you will understand why I must work here some day if my life is to be complete (here, and at Hot Dog on a Stick--for the uniforms).When people found out about this main atrium it became the engagement photo spot for both book lovers and those who hate being in nature and do not feel it reflects them as a couple. I am all for people doing their photos here, because it's pretty and because maybe they would instinctively feel that piggyback photos would be quite out of place in such a setting. As opposed to parks, where you just automatically leap on each other's backs as soon as your feet hit the grass, apparently.
Sorry. Just realized we've never covered the piggyback engagement photos here and might as well.Note how there is space for both books and people.
Because books + butterflies = genius
Nice one. Putting the typo right in front of the people least likely to be able to deal with it.Hey, it's not a true blog post unless ovaries are mentioned.
Part of their rooftop garden. Because they needed one more way for me to love them beyond reason. I would have taken photos of the children's section but worried that my camera might crack at the Awesome. So you'll have to wait for that. Maybe next time.
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