Here is a Friday treat, and just one more reason for me to love Jim Halpert:
Also, check this out:
I am feeling all giddy today because Spitfire and I are leaving work (early, I hope) and driving down to Provo by way of IKEA for a Weekend o' Fun, consisting of:
An IKEA run
A makeover at the MAC counter. Jen is ready for a new look. I'm hoping green eye shadow will be part of that look. Also, they did a good job on me last time. This time I think I might go with something more like this:I love how subtle this is. It's like she's not even wearing makeup!
An all-you-can eat sushi lunch, wherein I will try things I've never tried before. And will eat until I have rice coming out my ears.
A family birthday party with presents and one of these, courtesy of Jen:
I expect everything else will be a blur after this.
Happy Weekend, everybody!
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