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Friday, 15 June 2007

Happy Birthday!

My blog turns two years old today. I've already steeled myself for the public tantrums, the repeated and incessant screaming of "No!" and the smearing of dirty diapers on the upholstery of my car.

I've learned a bit since that very first blog post. And if you don't mind, I will share a few of the most important things:

If you give a boy your blog address and he comes back to you, he's yours. If runs away screaming at the first mention of your cobwebbed ovaries, it was never meant to be. And he's a wuss.

Don't assume that what you're saying about people won't get back to them. Like karma is going to pass up that prime opportunity to kick you in the teeth.

If your stats are going down, it means you're being boring. Or you're just not posting enough. Or you could go with option #3) Everyone else's Internet is broken.

Don't blog about work. And if you do, make sure you're only blogging things you'd be okay with your present boss/potential employer reading. That's why I erased the posts about all the hot snogs I've been having under my desk with the UPS guy. Discretion, people. It's all about discretion.

People like being asked for their opinions. And their opinions are quite fun to read, especially when they coincide with my own.

Bloggers are great and amazingly generous. I can't believe how many friends I've made through this thing. Some of them I may never meet, and that's okay. Others are great fun to finally meet because you already know you're kindred spirits. And it's only a surprisingly small percentage who have turned out to be scary mouth-breathing stalkers. I can go with those odds.

So. I've thought about what I would like for my blog's birthday present. If there are people out there who read but have not yet commented, I would love to hear from you. Even if you just wanted to say where you're from and give us a fun fact about you that would be so great. (If you know me in real life or if we have mutual friends that would be fun to hear about too.) I look at my Sitemeter sometimes and see that there are people reading from Belfast and Canada and these places in England that I've never been. And I wonder who you are and how you ended up here and what you think about things.

No pressure, it would just make my blog's day.

pic from Martha Stewart


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