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Thursday, 8 February 2007

the mouths of babes

A lady and her young son were in the library today and the lady came over to my desk to ask me a question about authors. We had a nice little chat while her little boy jabbered away to the guy working at the circulation desk. She and I finished up and I overheard the following conversation between her and Circulation Desk Guy when she went back over to grab her books and her son.

Mom: "Hi, has he been talking your ear off?"

CDG, chuckling: "He is quite the talker . . ."

Mom, chuckling back: "Yeah, he'll stand there and tell you his whole life story if you give him a minute."

Then they left, and CDG called me. Even though I sit about 15 feet away, it's sometimes better than yodeling across the circulation area.

CDG: "So . . . you know the lady who just left? The lady with the little boy?"

Me: "Yeah."

CDG: "Could you hear what that kid was saying to me?"

Me: "No, what was he saying?"

CDG: "Well, one thing he told me is that his mommy and daddy don't share a room anymore."

Me: [gasp!] "No!"

CDG: "Oh yeah. One of them gets the bedroom and the other one sleeps on the couch, there's a whole system. He was telling me all about it."

Me: "My. Gosh."

CDG: "Thought you might appreciate that."

Me: "Oh. I do."

Only now I feel bad that such a nice lady is possibly having marital problems. I also worry about the kid, cuz if his mom ever hears him telling those stories she's going to strangle him.


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