So it's my second day of work and I'm still alive. They're actually making it a pretty mellow adjustment, which is really nice. Everyone seems pretty cool and is happy to have the extra body. Yesterday I got to:
recommend books for a 14-yr-old non-reader boy (I recommended Ender's Game and Eragon)
help some 10-yr-old boys find books for their State Reports--the funny part is I don't know where everything is yet so they followed me around like ducklings as I roamed the library
Check out Season One of The Office and watch it with my sister
Read completely vague and obfuscatory pamphlets about health care plans which made me want to drive a pencil into my eye
I plan to take some pictures of Logan and get them posted up here. Just so you know what I'm dealing with, though, let me tell you that a large segment of the neighborhood smells like cow poop, and that driving into town I saw an advertisement for bull semen.
Hoo boy.
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