Note: The do not think the title reads "Two Good Newsies," because there is no such thing as that, Christian Bale notwithstanding. I like to pretend that movie never happened, and that I never saw him performing NKOTB dance moves like some kind of Mouseketeer. Everyone, please indulge me in this.
Good news #1: Remember that job in L***n? They just called and asked me to come in for an interview. So I'm excited to actually have one of those things. It's not until after Thanksgiving, but I'll let y'all know when to start sending prayers, good vibes, and voodoo chants my way!
Good news #2: The Utah Chocolate Show. Did anyone else know about this thing? I'm going Saturday and I cannot even wait. You just wander around and eat chocolate the whole time! I'm going to ignore the part where it will probably be American chocolate rather than European chocolate, because addicts can't always have principles.
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