We only have an inch or so, though, so it isn't a true Alaska snowfall. That's the kind that dumps one foot of snow each hour and then steals your car and calls you fat. But it's beautiful. Last night I watched the snow fall under the street lights, which always makes me start humming Christmas music. And it's a good thing I'm leaving before the bliss can wear off.
On the way home from doing errands, we saw our first snow-related accident of the year. Someone lost control on a completely flat stretch of road in our neighborhood, went off the road, and plowed straight through someone's back fence. We didn't see the accident, we just saw the tread-marks and the big car-sized gap in the fence. Apparently that happened last year, too.
I think a good thing to do if I were the owner of said fence would be to just dispense w/the fence and instead put up a barricade of spears that point out at the road like on Braveheart. Then you wouldn't have to put up a new fence every year and I bet people would drive more carefully by your house. Just a thought.
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