I can't write an entire post here because I have to get back to class, but here's the letter I wrote to my family to let them know that I'm back safe on English soil:
I just wanted to let y'all know that I made it back just fine and I've unpacked and am going to go take a much-needed shower.
Highlights from the trip:
Exchanged my blue pashmina at the Vegas airport store, only it snagged by the time I got to Loughborough. Moral of the story: don't buy $10 crap.
[Savvymom's] sleeping pill, which worked quite nicely! I took it with the in-flight meal and by the time I finished eating I saw two flight attendants instead of one and barely had time to get my complimentary little eye-mask thingie on before I passed out. I woke up several times but just for a minute or two each time.
Getting a sweet text from WR as soon as I hit English soil and turned on my phone.
Hearing a toddler yell "NOO!" during passport check and automatically looking for Savannah.
Having this 60-yr-old Australian lady try to cut in line at the passport check because she'd got in the wrong one and didn't want to go to the back like a normal person. My new friend Victoria from Las Vegas who is studying costume design in London told her that she was sorry the lady got in the wrong line, but she could just go to the back like everyone else, and the Australian lady told her not to be so "narky." And then the lady touched Victoria's shoulder to get her to move forward and Victoria said, "I'm going to have to ask you not to touch me." Eventually the people behind us let her in because she wasn't going to budge. (Victoria and I both agreed later that if the lady had just come up to us and said, "I'm so sorry, but I just spend 40 minutes standing in the wrong line and my family is waiting for me, could I possibly, etc." then we would have let her in. Only she didn't do that. And it's not like Australians have never heard of a queue before. Anyway, I'm not a jerk. I'm not!)
Dropping my laptop case upside down on an ESCALATOR and having everything spill out--a nice man helped me grab some of the stuff at the bottom.
Getting an earlier train from Gatwick--the nice train man said I could, so I got home an hour early.
Forgetting my suitcase when I got off the train at King's Cross and having to rush back on to grab it--a nice man pried the door open for me so I could get back off.
Remembering that people in London can be nice.
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