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Friday, 28 October 2005

Here comes the sun, doo-doo doo dooooo

First, a bit of housekeeping: the email subscribe thing. Turns out it's rubbish. It works, but it sends you the posts about 24 hours after they're published. And my vanity won't let me even conceive of anyone waiting that long to see what pearls of wisdom have dropped from my pen. So I know people are able to get it through Bloglines and RSSFWD. Does anyone else have a service they really like? Anyway, you should for sure be able to go through those to have your favorite blogs emailed to you (as long as your favorite blogs are hip and have an RSS feed).

And now enough of that. I must speak to you of the sun.

Yesterday I had to get up at the crack of dawn to do my laundry, on account of people around here think dryers are silly. I went out in the back garden and hung my clothes up on the line, slowly and painstakingly. (I still ended up with a pair of jeans in the dirt when I got home, by the way. Stupid clothespins.) But as I hung up my clothes in the manner of a pioneer or 40s housewife, I realized that it was actually kind of a beautiful morning. I wasn't being rained on, it was quiet and peaceful, and I could hear birds singing. So it was good that I got to be out there in it.

Then I went to the library and proceeded to spend the rest of the day in the library, specifically in a windowless computer lab. At around 3pm the fire alarm went off and the grown-ups came around saying, "This is a drill, don't log off your computers, leave your personal items here and move quickly to the exit." So of course I logged off my computer and grabbed my cell phone and bag, because Hi, that's just crazy talk. We all made our way down the four flights of stairs and stepped outside the emergency exit doors.

Friends, it was absolutely glorious outside. The sky was completely blue, the sun was shining, and the air felt close to 70 degrees. I stood there with the beautiful warm sunshine on my face and closed my eyes and was blissfully happy.

If at that moment some Fantastically Handsome and Sensitive Man (with whom I already had a relationship of mutual respect) were to walk up to me in the manner of George Emerson in A Room with a View and tell me that I was the most beautiful woman in the world, and that he wanted nothing more than to wash my dishes while we discussed my opinions, and could he possibly kiss my neck, I know exactly what my answer would have been:

"Dude. You're blocking my light."

As soon as the drill was over I grabbed my stuff and left, because there was no way I was going to waste the rest of such a day in the computer lab. I walked into town instead, and didn't even need a jacket. Because fate was with me that day I found a new long black skirt that feels all suedey and was only 8 quid. And there was a beautiful sunset during my walk home.

Now for the deep part: If I'd been back home in Utah where it's sunny all the time, we could have had a day like that and I might not have even noticed.

Deep thoughts, friends. Deep thoughts.


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